If any of this sounds familiar, this blog just might be your new home away from home! It's my hope that you will find something here you can relate to. Something that gives you hope. Makes you think. Makes you smile.
Sit back, have a cup of coffee (or tea, if you prefer) and relax. Let's do reality together...
A Few Really Real Things You Should Know About Me:
- Born and raised in the mountains of western North Carolina.
- Married to the love of my life. We have two offspring - one female, and one male. And two adorable and sassy little grandsons.
- I think I'm funny. I make myself laugh all the time. Just ask my family.
- I am a woman who loves football, especially the Carolina Panthers. On Sunday afternoons, as well as Monday and Thursday nights during during football season - you'll probably find me next to my husband on the couch watching a game.
- I am strongly opposed to the question "What is your favorite book?" I love books. I read all the time. I can't pick one favorite. Just don't ask.
- I'm a list maker. I make lists of everything. Shopping lists, To-do lists, lists of my goals for each year/month/week, lists of books I've read and ones I want to read, lists of crochet projects, lists of quotes I love, lists of all my lists. I like lists. They keep me organized.
- I crochet... anytime and anywhere. If I know I am going to be sitting or waiting anywhere, I almost always bring some crochet with me.
- I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to sharing my midlife adventures with you and I hope you'll visit often.