Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Really, Really, Real Thing

If you are expecting pampered, spoiled, over-the-top housewife - you are in the wrong place.  Yep, this the REAL thing.  Not a hint of collagen, Botox, saline, Restylane, hair extensions, or silicon here.  No diamonds, rubies or high $$ designer labels either.  For this domestic diva a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and some flip-flops are must have items.  An exciting day of shopping probably means I found a really great deal at Target.  I can't promise this blog will be filled with cat fights and high drama.  But raising two kids, two cats, a dog, and my husband can lead to some pretty entertaining moments.  Along with the completely bizarre and random thoughts that float through my head, this could lead to an interesting journey.

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