Monday, December 12, 2016


It's that time of year again.  Things can get a little (a lot?) busy.  My life is no exception.

There's the usual hustle and bustle of shopping, gifts to wrap,  parties to attend, etc.  This year my Etsy shop is keeping me on my toes.  I can't - and won't - complain about that! However, it has caused me to have to put a few other things on the back burner.

In an effort to maintain some kind of balance, I'm be taking a break from the blog until around the first of the year.

I wish each of you a joyous Christmas.  I pray that you experience the peace of God's unconditional love.  And that you know you are loved and cherished.

I look forwarded to sharing 2017 with you!

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1 comment:

  1. HOPE you and your family have the most blessed CHRISTmas ever!! Enjoy your break.


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