Monday, November 6, 2017

A Hike A Day

I hope each and every one of you had a delightful weekend.  I'm happy to share that we did.  This weekend we got to keep the grand kid for an over night.  Which we made the most of.

First things first, we took out (almost) weekly hike.  (Which meant I got the chance to try out the new back pack the Man of the House gave me for my birthday!)  We got a late start, it looked as if it might rain, and we had the grand kid along - so, we kept it easy and short this week.  We went back to Bent Creek to try a different path off the Hard Times trail head.  This time we walked up the Homestead Trail which follows the creek up to Lake Powhatan.

We saw some pretty cool things along our journey.  A snail hanging out on the trail marker...

Some fungi that reminded me of  sea shells or barnacles...

And some mushrooms growing on a moss covered log which looked as if fairies should live there...

The grand kid did fall on the trail and scraped up his elbow.  But he's fine.

Afterward, we took the grand kid to Toys R Us, and then to dinner at American Burger Company.  We spent the evening enjoying some ice cream cake and introducing the grand kid to E.T.  

Sunday was a day of catching up on laundry, crochet, and football.  Quiet and productive.  Always  a nice combination!

All it all, it was another wonderful weekend!    How was yours?

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