Monday, December 12, 2022

December Thoughts on Abundance and Scarcity

Throughout this year of 'Abundance', I have come to realize how much of my life has been lived with an attitude of scarcity.  The fear of "not enough".

Always thinking that there's just not enough. Believing, somehow, that if someone else is getting something: time, attention, affection, praise, love, friends, readers, sales - that somehow, there won't be enough left for me.

That I'm not enough. Not pretty enough, smart enough, talented enough, strong enough, or good enough. The belief that I am not enough to deserve or to earn the things I want or need for myself led to a lot of resentment, anger, jealousy, and self doubt over the years. 

Instead of living a life focused on abundance, I have allowed myself to believe it is one of scarcity. Like Eve, surrounded by a beautiful, lush garden, yet tempted by the one thing she couldn't have - I found my attention constantly drawn to what I thought I might be lacking. 

The cup was always half empty.

It's an ugly truth. One I didn't - I don't - want to acknowledge. But there it is. And the only way it can ever change is if I take a long, hard look at it.  Examine it for what it really is. Stop looking for the empty holes and instead focus on the promises God made about the abundant life he planned for us.

That he came so we could experience a full life (John 10:10)

That He has plans for us to prosper. To give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah

How, if we lean on Him, He can do so much more than we could ever even imagine (Ephesians 3:20)

That our confidence will be richly rewarded. (Hebrews 10:35)

If, like me, you have bought into the lie of scarcity for too long - it is time to let it go and grab the abundance!

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