Monday, September 16, 2024


September is typically a quiet month for me.  I know, I already mentioned that in my "Hello, September" post.  I also talked about how I plan to use this month to take care of some things before the last three always-busy months of the year begin. 

That's why I have chosen PREPARE as my word for September.

I will be preparing my Etsy for a reopening.  I'm hoping to have it ready to by the first week in October. I'm creating a new logo, a new heading for the shop, Facebook and the shop blog. I'm taking new product photos.  And all the other little details that need to be taken care of before I can declare it to be back in business.

I'm preparing the house for the fall holidays.  This mostly involves packing away all the little summer touches that have been on display for the past 4 months and putting out all my pumpkins and other fall decor.  The fall accents will be around until the end of November/beginning of December when we decorate for Christmas.

I'm trying to prepare meal ideas for football Sundays.  My usual go-to meals of chili or Gumbo are going to be making less frequent appearances thanks to my GERD. I'm looking for some easy meals that are comforting, but less irritating to my delicate system. Even better if they can go in the slow cooker. (Any ideas?)  

I also want to prepare myself for the last quarter of 2024.  I'm hoping to have some definitive answers about what needs done for my knee and prepare for that to take place before the end of the year. 

What are you doing to prepare for the rest of 2024?


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thankful Thursday: Septwmber 12, 2024


I Am Thankful For:

Ice cream

Pumpkin Spice coffee

A beautiful fall-like day

Getting my yearly vaccines

Football Sunday

White chili

Root beer floats

Appointment scheduled

Cute videos of grandson

Candy corn

The peace of not engaging

Finding a new (to me) podcast to listen to 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thankful Thursday: September 5, 2024


I Am Thankful For:

Air conditioning

My little dog playing while wearing the cone

Apple pancakes with vanilla ice cream

Werthers Maple Creams

Afternoon thunderstorms

Hanging out with my husband

Afternoon nap

Homegrown tomatoes

A quiet day

My husband making a smoothie for me

Steaks cooked on the grill

My dog's eye is better

Learning skills for the future

Monday, September 2, 2024

Hello, September

It's here!!  September has finally arrived!  Fair warning - I am breaking out ALL the Autumn-ness.  Yes, I know it's technically still summer until later this month.  But I have been stifling the urge for all things pumpkin for the past couple of weeks. So, now that it's September, I am letting it run wild. 

September is always a quiet month for us.  We don't have any immediate family birthdays this month.  And no major holidays.  It's the quiet before the storm.  A shirt break before the months that are jam packed with our birthdays, anniversary, and the holidays begin.

With that in mind, I plan to use this month to Prepare for the upcoming months.  That's why I have chosen Prepare as my word for September.  It's time to take care of some things before life potential gets crazy during the last three months of the year. 

The only books on my Reading list for September are "Tangled Hearts" by Sara McClaflin and "Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone" by Benjamin Stevenson.  I am taking part in the virtual book tour for "Tangled Hearts". "Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone" is our book club selection for September.  After that, I'm going to do a little mood reading and open whatever my little book heart desires.  

My big project for September is getting my Etsy shop ready to reopen next month. I'm switching up my business model just a little. And hoping I can avoid the stress and anxiety it was causing me when I shut things down a year ago

My Goals for September:

  • Decorate the house for Autumn
  • Prepare Etsy shop for reopening in October 
What are your plans for September?