I am so thankful that February is a short month. I am oh-so-ready to put this month behind me! I definitely don't want two or three more days of the energy that February brought.
The most popular post on the blog for Febrary was actually the first Sunday Inspiration post of the month, followed closely behind by "A Giant Pain in the Back" where we talked some tips for dealing with back pain that often comes along in midlife.
It was a quiet month in our house. Especially for me. Honestly, I spent most of February lying on the couch. Not by choice.
First, I caught a nasty head cold that knocked me off my routine for a few days. Just as that started to clear up, I somehow hurt my back. The back pain ranged from sore one day and annoying the next for almost two weeks and then suddenly went straight to excruciating.
A trip to the Dr led to a diagnosis of "probable herniated disc", a prescription for prednisone and muscle relaxers and two weeks of rest to allow it to heal. Fortunately things have greatly improved. As I draw toward the end of the second week of rest, it's still a little achy, but SO much better than before. I no longer spend the first few of hours of my day almost crying from the pain. A few days ago I experienced the first shower in a couple of weeks that I wasn't miserable and rushing to get it over with. Yesterday was the first day I haven't needed to take any of the muscle relaxers. Yay!
Because of all this, Valentine's Day was at home, quiet, and extremely low-key. We had homemade pizzas for dinner and the Mr picked up a delicious chocolate pie for dessert. He gave me a couple of books from my list and some chocolates. I gave him a game pin from the Ravens/Browns game we went to last month. (He collects them from each game we go to and somehow this one got lost in the process of traveling home from Baltimore, so i found a placement.)
We celebrated our youngest grandson's second birthday this month. I had almost forgotten how fun birthdays are at that age. He was having so much fun and was so excited about opening presents and his cake.
I am excited to say that earlier this month I turned into my application to volunteer at the local library and received a call this week that it has been approved. Starting next month, I'll be helping out one morning a week. This is like a dream come true for me. I have loved the library since I was a very little girl, and I can't wait to give back to a place that has given me so much joy
And since we're speaking of books - this month I read four books and listened to one. My audio book for this month was "The Pirate's Wife" by Daphne Palmer Geanacopoulos. The four books I read were "The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store " by James McBride, "The Boyfriend" by Freida McFadden, "Witchcraft for Wayward Girls" by Grady Hendrix, and "I Need You to Read This" by Jessa Maxwell.
How was your February? Any special memories from the month?