Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Spirit of Gratitude: July 2


A return to gratitude
Iced coffee

Time to write
A quiet evening
Dinner with the Man of the House
Another project complete
Hundred torment clouds in the distance
Picking squash

The first of the homegrown cucumbers

Finding a good sized freezer at a great price
New knives and cutting boards
The grand baby playing in his wading pool
The Man of the House
Making vacation plans
Breakfast on the porch

Big blue Jay calling from the top of the peach tree
Potential opportunities
Blueberry green tea
The female offspring making dinner
Getting up early to go to the farmer's market
A yummy breakfast made by the Man of the House
Freezing dried beans
Harvesting and freezing herbs
Working in the garden
Picking raspberries

That bird outside who sounds as if he's saying "squeaky,squeaky, squeak"
Vegetarian chili
Morning rain shower
Early morning wake up
Freezing squash

Mailing an order to the UK
Summer cherries
Making healthier choices

A quiet house
Seeing a baby praying mantis

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  1. I just love your gratitude lists Beckey. Fresh vegetables and fruits...ahhh the joys of summer!

  2. I so agree with Ms. Cathy....I love reading all the things you're grateful for. What a precious heart you have!

  3. Love the pictures in the post, looks like you are having a lovely summer!

  4. Hey, Ms. Beckey, I noticed you haven't posted in a few weeks. HOPE all is well with you.


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