Tuesday, July 10, 2018

"A bird is three things: Feathers, flight and song"

When you're outside, do you ever just stop and take time to listen to the birds?  One of my favorite simple pleasures is sitting with the windows open, or out on my back porch in the morning and listening to the birds sing.   I believe this is one of the best simple free forms of entertainment.

I get a little thrill when I recognize the ever changing song of the mockingbird, switching back and forth between impersonations of three or four different birds after just a few notes.

It's funny to me when the cardinals sit out on the porch rail complaining that the bird feeder needs refilling.  And I find it endearing when Mr Cardinal lands on the porch, or in the pear tree, looks around for a bit - checking out the surrounds- then calls to Mrs Cardinal to join him for breakfast.

I enjoy hearing the two pairs of mourning doves softly cooing as they pick at the seeds scattered on the ground below the feeder.  They have been getting braver recently, and will actually come up onto the porch to enjoy the seeds that have fallen there as well.

But, my favorite moment is just before dawn.  That moment right before the sun rises when there seems to be one giant bird symphony.  It's like every single bird knows what's about to happen and can't contain their joy at the coming of the new day.  As if they can't help but to greet it with a song.

Do you have a favorite bird song you like to hear?

"A bird is three things: Feathers, flight and song, And feathers are the least of these."   -  Marjorie Allen Seiffert

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