Monday, August 3, 2020

Currently... August 2020

Remember back in the late winter/early spring when we were hoping that Covid-19 would go away during the summer with the heat and sunshine.  That didn't quite work out as we wished, did it?  Here in North Carolina the numbers - especially hospitalizations and deaths - have continued to increase.  

Schools are opening this month and that whole situation is going to be anything but typical for a while. They are going with a "hybrid" plan, which means beginning with some brief in-person time (including masks and social distancing) to get to know their teacher and the program, then at least the remainder of the first semester will be remote learning.  

It's not going to be easy on anyone.  Least of all, the children.  I don't envy the administrators and government officials for having to make those decisions.  Not the teachers trying to readjust lessons and plans to meet new requirements and also managing to keep kids 6 feet apart and stop them from fidgeting with masks all day for that first week while worrying about keeping themselves healthy.  Or the parents trying to make this work for thier families.  Lots of prayers going all around! I will be helping out with the remote learning portion of the grand kid's schooling since it's not as if one of his parents can just take a semester off from work.  

I'm still pretty much self quarantined here.  About once or twice a month I make a trip out to the craft store to pick up yarn needed for my shop orders (fully masked and social distancing as far away from other people as possible)  Other than that, I stay safe here at home.  I'm not enjoying the heat this summer, which keeps me inside with the comfort of air conditioning where I do a lot of reading and crocheting.

Working On:  Staying sane.  Aren't we all?   In 2020 so far, some days it really does feel like work.  If you're like me you go along thinking you're doing pretty well keeping it all together, then you have a day (or a week) when you feel as if you are truly struggling.

Celebrating: My dad's birthday is this month.  And I think that's the only celebration we have for August

Reading:  Last night I finished The Alienist by Caleb Carr.  I have started watching the show and wondered if the books were as good or better. (Answer: better)  Next on the To-Read queue is American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins and then The German Heiress by Anika Scott.  I'm also still limping my way through The Great Influenza.  Parts of it really drag on and the parts that don't are depressing in that they show that nothing has changed much in 100 years.

Loving:  All these afternoon and evening thunderstorms.  I'm one of those weirdos that enjoys the thunder, lightening, wind and rain of an afternoon storm.  As long as it's not severe.

Wanting/Needing:  To reorganize my office and get a space ready for the grand kid's remote learning time. I want him to have a dedicated place for education away from distractions.

Dreaming about:  An upcoming getaway.  In this summer of Covid, I'm not comfortable going somewhere touristy or at risk of having crowds for a vacation.  So, the Man and I have booked an AirBnB at the lake for a long weekend soon.  I am in great need of a few days by the water, resting, reading and soaking up the sun.  

August Goals:
  • Drink 64 oz of water per day
  • Journal every day
  • Meditate at least 3 times per week
  • One week sugar detox
  • Created blog schedule for September
  • Create Thankful Thursday posts for September
  • Create Sunday posts for September
  • Receive 20 new orders
  • Write at least 3 posts for shop blog
  • Create shop social media schedule for September

What's your August going to look like?

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