Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Let's NOT Do That Again!

Oh. My. Goodness. Gracious. Y'all.  What a week.  It was a rough one.  And I know it wasn't even close to what some of you were dealing with. (I see you, Texas!)  

I had plans for a fun little "Pancake Day" post last Tuesday. I was going to give you a brief history of the day and even share my favorite simple pancake recipe. The post wasn't quite ready on Monday evening, so I thought I would just wrap it up and publish it as soon as I got home from taking Max to the veterinarian for his check-up the next day.  Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

Tuesday started out nice enough.  I got up, showered, dressed, put on makeup.  My Tuesday morning Zoom for online Bible study was canceled (the leader lives in Texas and had no power) so I had a little downtime before heading to the vet office.  Max had a great checkup, received three vaccines, and we headed home

Once we were home, things took a turn.  Poor little Max started vomiting.  Then he walked into the dining room, laid down on the floor, and just stayed there.  When I spoke to him, he didn't even pick his head up - just looked at me.  A quick call to the veterinarian and we were on our way back to his office.  He was having an allergic reaction to one of his vaccines! They gave him a Benedryl shot and kept him for the afternoon to monitor him. 

Around dinner time they called to say I could pick him up since his vitals were good and he had rested comfortably that afternoon.  When we got home, he threw up a little more almost as soon as we got out of the car.  Then he started breaking out in hives, shaking his head repeatedly and rolling on the floor - clearly itchy.  I didn't realize it at the time, but he apparently also had some swelling around his eyelids and face.  Another phone call and we were on our way to the emergency vet.  


The ER veterinarian gave Max a steroid shot.  Another for nausea.  And sent him home with a round of oral steroids and directions for oral doses of Benedryl.  He slept well that night.  (At least one of us did.  I was wide awake every time he made a sigh or moved in his sleep)  

 Next day, he seemed to be feeling better.  He did sleep more than usual - probably a result of the medications he was taking.  When he wanted to play, he showed little to no interest in wrestling with his brother - which is normally his favorite activity.  When I thought about that, I realized he was probably sore.  If you were keeping count, you realize that the poor little guy had SIX shots the day before!  

Fortunately, Max is back to his usual silly, mischievous self.  He's done with the Benedryl and is slowly tapering off the steroids this week. 

I'm not sure what this means for vaccines in the future.  I certainly don't ever want to have to go through that sort of experience again.  Especially if there is a risk that it might be even worse the next time around.  I suppose that is a conversation that will have to be had with his doctor.  

Have any of your pets ever had an adverse reaction to a vaccine or other medication?

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