Monday, May 1, 2023

May 2023

 May Day! May Day!

That works both ways for me today.  

Obviously, it's  the first day of May - aka May Day (or Beltane).  

But it is also a distress signal.  And since I've been feeling a little overwhelmed, scatter-brained, and out of sorts for the past couple of weeks and didn't get far on most of my April goals I could probably use a little help!

Hopefully May will be a little slower paced and more relaxed than April was.  it wasn't necessarily busy in a bad way. There was just a lot going on.  And (like I mentioned before), I had a lot of trouble staying on task and accomplishing goals. 

So far, it's looking good. There's not a lot on the calendar this month. We'll be celebrating Mother's Day weekend.  And our son turns 25 at the end of the month.  (25!? How in the world did that happen?)

I'm hoping to get in one or two weekend day trips with the Man of the House. Last weekend we spent Saturday exploring a couple of nearby Revolutionary War battle fields. We learned a few things about local history and got in some fresh air and exercise!

The "cleaning out and reorganizing my home office" saga continues.  I'm still making progress.  Slow, slow progress.  But progress, nonetheless.

The one thing I did manage to rock in April was my reading list.  I completed the entire April to list along with a couple of extras. My May reading list is short and sweet:  Immortality: A Love Story by Dana Schwartz, How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix, and The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton.

My goals for May are:

  • Finish clearing out and organizing main area of office
  • Declutter and organize shoes
  • Journal everyday
  • Meditate 3 times per week
  • Exercise of some sort each day
What are your plans for May?

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