Friday, June 21, 2024

What No One Told Me About Menopause: It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over

This post is meant to share what I have learned about menopause based on my own experience.  It is in no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.  Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking help because of something you read on this website.

This past week has been a frustrating one. 

I was right at twelve months since my last monthly period.  The big milestone. That moment when you can consider yourself done with menstruation and officially menopausal. 

This was something I was not unhappy about.  I had been counting down the months and was more than ready to put that chapter of my life in the rearview mirror.

Twelve months and a few days. And that's when my body said "On second thought..." And I had a full blown, very normal, completely out of the blue period! 

What in the name of hot flashes and mood swings is going on here??

I suppose it shouldn't have come as a complete surprise. I have friends that had their cycle show back up after 11+ months.  Just the week before I was having some intense cravings for sweets and feeling a little weepy.  I even thought to myself, "If I didn't know any better, I would think I was having PMS."  Apparently I didn't know any better - and I was having PMS.  

So... I've double-checked with my doctor just to be sure everything is as it should be.   And now I have to start the count for 12 months all over again. 

The menopause journey... it can be quite frustrating!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thankful Thursday: June 20


I Am Thankful For:


Morning tea

Picking my husband up at the airport

A little purple butterfly fluttering around my dog's head

My husband

My Dad


My grandson's laugh

Waking before dawn

I didn't hit the bear with my car

Starting to read a new book

Picking blueberries

Air conditioning

A ladybug landing on my car window 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thankful Thursday: June 13


I Am Thankful For:

Sun dresses


A good cathartic cry

Family photos


Making summertime plans with my grandson

Hydrangeas in bloom

My husband and son going fishing together

A quiet evening binge watching "Bridgerton"

An early dinner

My beautiful grandsons

New shorts

My monthly book club meeting

Cooking with my cousin

Vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce

Freshly cut flowers in the house

My husband coming home early from work

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thankful Thursday: June 6


I Am Thankful For:

Banana pudding

Making June plans


My grandson said "Oma"

Heating pads


Clean bathrooms

A bunny in the backyard

Homemade "frappuccinos"


Popcorn and a movie at home on the couch

A change of plans

My husband going grocery shopping with me 

Caramel Apple Pie

Hummingbird feeders

Spotting a cardinal that stays in sight for a long time

A pair of turkeys in the backyard

When my grandson makes me laugh

An afternoon rain shower

Borrowing books from my daughter

Monday, June 3, 2024

Welcome to June

I enjoy the month of June.  It marks the beginning of summer. It's hot - but usually not the kind of heat and humidity that we experience in July and August.  The days stretch out well into the evening hours. The lightening bugs reappear from where ever it is they've been hiding all winter, giving us a little show right after dusk every evening.

June is a quiet month. Lazy, even.  It's a month that invites picnics, cookouts, and long walks with the dogs. It calls for open windows to welcome the morning breeze. And it provides time with my grandson while school is on summer break. 

The only book that is definitely on my reading list for June is "Killing Floor" by Lee Child for book club.  It's another book I probably never would have chosen for myself.  But, there are a couple of ladies in the group who are apparently HUGE "Reacher" fans, and they talked the librarian into adding it to our reading schedule. Other than that, I'm just going to pull a few things from my To-Be-Read pile and see where that leads me.

My word for June is Flourish.  Over the last couple of months,  I have often felt like I have been floundering. This month I am striving to shake off the dust and truly make the most of midlife.  We'll talk more about that in week or two.  

My Goals for June:

  • Complete the top I am crocheting 
  • Clean out and reorganize linen closet 
  • Clean out and reorganize medicine cabinet
  • Journal every day 
  • Meditate three days per week 
What are your goals and/or plans for June?