Wednesday, March 14, 2012

One Minute Wednesday: Sunrise/Sunset

Written in response to a prompt at The One-Minute Writer: Which is better to observe--a sunrise or a sunset? Why?

While I enjoy a beautiful sunset as much as the next gal; I have to say I prefer a sunrise. Because after the sunrise you have the whole entire day ahead of you to look forward to and enjoy. Of course there are two problems with this:

1) A nice, colorful sunrise means bad weather for that day ahead. (you know... red sky by morning, sailor take warning...)

2) Sunrise comes waaaaay too early!!


  1. Hmm, hard toss up between sun RISE and sun SET. As you said, the rising leads to an entire day of accomplishments. The setting...well, that leads to cocktail hour(s) and late nights with friends, bonfires and laughs. Both are equally good, unless they are back to back...then they are just exhausting.

    1. And all too often they do feel as if they are coming back to back! And I'm too old to be able to enjoy watching the sunset and then stay up to greet the sunrise like I used to do in younger days.

  2. ON BlogHer I said I preferred sunrise, perhaps I was too hasty. A sunset is equally beautiful, and with it, it brings rest. :)


    1. "A sunset is equally beautiful, and with it, it brings rest."

      I love that! Thanks so much for reading and commenting Nini!

  3. I'm with you on this Beckey, and it is why I prefer sunsets. A magnificent end to a magnificent day most of the time. :D

    1. "A magnificent end to a magnificent day most of the time"

      Well put Cath! :)


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