Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Top Five Posts of 2014

2014 has seen many ups and downs on the blog.  Both with my frequency (and quality) of posts - and the views it has received.  Here are the Top Five posts from this year according to the view stats:

Don't You Care?
When I wrote this I never imagined it would be read by so many people!  It seems as if a lot of us have asked God this question at one time or another based on the traffic this post got. 

The 14 Day Marriage Challenge
This blog challenge to rekindle the romance in your marriage saw quite a bit of interest.  In fact, three of the top 5 posts for 2014 came from this series!
Romancing Him - the 14 Day Marriage Challenge
The 14 Day Marriage Challenge: Day One
The 14 Day Marriage Challenge: Day Four

Three Things I Like to Remember
I was overwhelmed by how many of you joined me on this little nostalgic trip down memory lane!

Dropping Your Nets
When we took a look at letting go of the things that slow you down, tie you down, and hold you back to freely follow Christ

THANK YOU! to each and everyone of you who took time to read these posts - or any other post - on the blog this year!  It is greatly appreciated!

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  1. Happy 2015 to you, Ms. Beckey. HOPE it's chock full of many, many blessings from our precious Lord and Savior!!!

  2. Your posts are always a blessing to me. It was neat to read through your top posts!! :) I am looking forward to more reading in 2015-<3

  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR and God richly bless you!


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