Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 - the year in review

2014 is over already??  For real?  Didn't it just start?  Wow... talk about time flying!

Here's a brief glimpse back at the year that was...

January started of cold!  I mean seriously cold.  Polar Vortex kinda cold. And the grand baby turned 2 years old.  Not a baby anymore!

In February I created a little 14 Day Marriage Challenge for myself (and all my blog readers)  It is the month of romance, after all!

In April the Man of the House and I played "Hometown Tourist" by heading down the mountain to Saluda where we enjoyed Pearson's Falls and the other small town delights it had to offer - making a point of doing some things we've never done before.

May saw the Male Offspring turn 16.  Yikes!!  It also found us doing some hiking.  First up Frying Pan mountain where I climbed attempted to climb the fire observation tower and then exploring part of the Art Loeb Trail to Black Balsam Knob.

June was a picnic and play in the park with Shakespeare.  Henry V by the Montford Park Players. I had almost forgotten how much I enjoy live theatre!

I also did my first (and probably last) ever 5K run at the end of June.  Am I crazy?  Yes... obviously I am.

In July we celebrated the Female Offspring's birthday.  At the end of July I flew out to Oklahoma City for a few days to visit my sister and her family.  They took me sight seeing up to the University campus and art museum,  the OKC Memorial, along Route 66 to Arcadia (with a stop at Pop's for some crazy sodas!), the Botanical Gardens, and even a lighthouse.  (who know there was a lighthouse in Oklahoma?)

At the end of my visit there was a Girl's Only road trip along I-40 with the sister and nieces back to North Carolina.  I love a good road trip!!
In August we did a makeover in our home office/craft room.  The Man of the House created a beautiful craft closet for me!

September was relatively quiet.  Nothing much going on - except for when I choked on my salad and injured my throat, leaving it sore for a few days.

October was birthday time for The Man of the House. He and I took a little time away for a nice couples weekend in Gatlinburg.

November - my birthday.  When I turned... old enough!  Geez... let's just call it mid-forties and forget it.  This year was extra special because it snowed a measureable amount for the first time ever on my birthday.  We woke up to about 3 inches of the white stuff that morning.  Awesome!!

December has been a blur.  It always is - getting ready for the holidays.  The Man of the House and I got our Christmas present from his mother a little early this year.  Tickets to the Carolina Panthers / Cleveland Browns football game in Charlotte!

And there ya have it.  2014.  Hard to believe it's over.  But looking back at it has me excited for all the fun we'll have in 2015!!

Happy New Year y'all!!

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  1. Great review of your year...lots of things happened, with many blessings and busy activities! The end of each years always makes me kind of happy-sad. It seems to go faster every year. Yet, I know the coming year has to be better yet, as I know Christ's return is getting closer! Found your post at WFMW. Happy New year to you!

    1. I know what you mean about feeling happy - sad. And about time going fast. But I am so looking forward to seeing what God has planned for me in 2015!!

  2. I love recaps and looking back at all the blessings of the year. Happy New Year.


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