Monday, May 19, 2014

A Date A Month: Hometown Tourists

You may remember my Valentine's Day gift for the Man of the House this year was a A Year of Date Nights.  One date a month for the next twelve months.  I thought I'd give you a little update on our most recent Date of the Month:

The Theme for April was: Hometown Tourists.  We were to pick something close by which we had never done before and make a day of it.

 It's funny... I know we use the phrase "I can't believe I've lived here this long and have never been there" - but when it came time to actually do one of those things, we had such trouble thinking of anything.

There was some discussion, and I spent what was probably too much time on Pinterest looking up ideas for our date. It even sparked an entirely new board for me!Finally, in one of my trips down the Pinterest rabbit hole I came across info about Pearson's Falls, just down the road in Saluda.  And since I had recently had a "you know, I've never been there" conversations with someone regarding Saluda - it seemed like a good choice.

Saturday morning; with picnic packed, we drove down the mountain one Saturday for our "Hometown Tourists" date adventure.

Pearson's Falls was lovely!  It's a privately owned preserve, and very well kept. I was impressed with how clean and beautiful everything was.  We strolled along the mountain river leading up to the falls.  And had our picnic lunch right there at the base.
Pearson's Falls
Sadly, I forgot my camera and had to snap pictures with my phone.  So they are few and fuzzy.

After viewing (and enjoying) Pearson's Falls, we drove back into the adorable small town of Saluda.  We had a drink at The Purple Onion, chatted with some locals, and enjoyed some ice cream.

Even after driving back to our own little town, we kept the "things we've never done before" theme going by visiting an antiques mall we have never stopped at before and trying a restaurant for dinner where we had never eaten before.

It was nice that after 22 years together we can still find new experiences to share.  Even right here in our area!
More "Date of the Month":
May: Take A Hike!
June: Shakespeare in the Park 

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  1. Oh what nice date! Fun to find those cool places and even finding better with your sweetie! Looking forward to hearing about your next date!

    1. I am blessed to really enjoy doing things with the Man of the House - even if it's just grocery shopping ;0)


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