Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Spirit of Gratitude: May 29

I Am Thankful For:

Helping out in little ways
The kids doing what I ask without arguing
The fireflies are back
Picture texts of my nephew
New towels
The grand son "humming"
Planning the monthly date
Lazy takeout dinners
Three day weekends
Relaxing afternoon with friends
The smell of grilling
Ducks running across parking lot
The grandbaby digging in the dirt
Beautiful views of the Blue Ridge Mountains

Pretty little purple flowers
Sharing a mountain top picnic with the Man of the House
Smoked ribs
Starting a new Bible study
Sleeping in on a Monday
Lazy Days
Street Lights in the fog
Violin/Orchestra concert

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  1. I'm thankful for fireflies, too! They are one of God's amazing creations. It's a little early for them here, though. They'll be here in a couple of weeks!

  2. Such a great list of thankfulness this week! Beautiful picture of the mountains!

  3. So much to be thankful for! I love your thankful lists!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I always love your lists, so many things to be thankful for! I love me some lazy takeout ;)

  6. I can't remember the last time I've seen a firefly! That makes me sad but I guess it's due to city living. So many great things to be thankful for! Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)


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