Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Spirit of Gratitude: May 22

This Week I Am Thankful For:

Bunny hopping beside the walking trail
Fluffy cotton ball clouds
Morning mist laying along the ground
The grand son dancing tirelessly
New hair color
Days that get off to a productive start
Being with the Man of the House - just driving around
The start of Male Offspring's Summer guitar lessons
Etsy orders!
New utensil holder
Sunshine after the rain
The grand son and the god laying together watching cartoons
The Man of the House and the male offspring having guys movie night
Small investments to improve Queen B's Busy Work
 A new table (at a great price)
Pretty red bar stools
Bright green and yellow field of wildflowers
Dinner out with the Man of the House
Tiffany blue toenails
Family yard work hour
Stair railing is almost complete
Laughing together
Foggy morning
The sky just beginning to brighten at dawn
Texts from the Man of the House that make me laugh
Veggie quesadillas
Snuggles with the Man of the House
Allergy meds cocktail seems to be working (so far)
Doggie kisses for the grand son

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  1. I enjoy reading all the "little" things that make you thankful. HOPE you have an awesome weekend.

  2. Productive days and Tiffany blue toe nails, the best :)

  3. I love all your things you are thankful for! Great post! It's the simple things that bless us the most!!

  4. We've been enjoying lots of veggie quesadilla's lately, too! Onion and jalapeno are our favorites :) And thank goodness for allergy meds!!! This spring has been terrible for them!

  5. tiffany blue is my favourite colour! Sound like you and the man of the house have had a lovely week


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