Monday, April 3, 2017

Currently... April 2017

April has arrived.  Winter is officially over.  It's the month of bunnies, spring flowers, warm breezes, and baseball opening day.  We start looking forward to summer.   We put away the winter clothes and get out our shorts and sun dresses (usually to regret it a week later when we have a cold snap). 

Reading:  Suddenly every hold I had at the library has become available!  Seems like that's always how it works out.  I wait forever and then - BAM! I have a ton of books to read in a few short weeks.  I need to finish Ross Poldark, then I have The Chemist, Three Sisters, Three Queens, and A Man Called Ove.

Eating:  Less. I have been trying to keep up with tracking my calorie intake vs what I'm burning each day.  It's paying off.  I lost 7 pounds last month!

Working On:  Some sewing for myself.  I've been wanting some relaxed, comfy, wide legged palazzo pants and decided I would just make some.

Enjoying:  Having the windows open on these mild Spring days.  Before it gets too hot and they have to be closed again to run the air conditioner.

Anticipating:  A trip to Texas to visit with my baby sister!

Feeling:   A little freaked out that a quarter of this year is already behind us!  2017 needs to just slow it down a little bit.  Am I right, or am I right? 

What are you up to as April begins?

1 comment:

  1. Well... April started off for me with tummy issues. In my golden years I'm finding I pretty much have to eat the same old boring 💤 diet, or I pay for it. Congratulations 🎊 on losing 7 pounds.... That's awesome and kinda like winning the lottery... if you play... which I don't... okay 👌... enough rambling. Happy 😊 Monday!


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