Monday, April 10, 2017

The Pen is Mighter Than...

Hey y'all... can I be honest about something.  I have a pen problem.  I love pens.  Seriously... adore them.  I have more pens than any reasonable person should probably own. 

But I may be putting all those other pens aside and forgetting them in favor of just one pen.

This one...

The Man of the House made it for me.  Yes, you read that correct - he made it for me! 

He received a lathe for Christmas and now has a new hobby. He has also turned some pretty rosewood pen and pencil sets.  And he recently took a class on one Saturday where he learned how to turn bowls.  He hasn't made another one yet, but the one he did that day is beautiful!

But.  This.  Pen.

Y'all, how pretty is this??

I loved my pen so much, I asked him to make one for my sister's birthday.  (Which I can now show you since her birthday is has passed...)

Another gorgeous creation by my gorgeous, talented husband. 

1 comment:

  1. My brother makes pens and pencils, too, and I LOVE them! Your blue one is so pretty!!


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