Thursday, September 21, 2017

A Spirit of Gratitude: September 21

It's been a week of contrasts.  A balance of the good with the maybe-not-so-good.  The leaves are starting to change (good) , but the temperatures have felt more like July than September (maybe-not-so-good).  I finished a huge wholesale order (good), which kept me up very late and deprived me of sleep (maybe-not-so-good).  The Male Offspring got a job offer (good), but getting all his paper work completed so he can start has been one challenge after another (maybe not so good).

These are the times when attitude is everything.  You can focus either on the good or the maybe-not-so-good.  Where you decide to direct your focus can affect everything around you.  If you select the good, you will see more and more good.  If you look more at the maybe-not-so-good, you're going to notice a whole lot of maybe-not-so-good.  This can affect your mood, your attitude, your productivity, how you treat others - and more.  

I choose to be intentional about looking at the good.  Which will you choose?

I Am Thankful For:
Dinner and a movie with the Man of the House
The Male Offspring was offered a job
The Panthers win 2 in a row
The grand kid drawing a picture of his uncle

Putting out my autumn home decorations
Silly pets
The first signs of fall color

Finally finishing a huge order
Having the Female Offspring and the grand kid over for dinner
The Male Offspring asking us to watch a movie with him

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beckey~

    We really do have so much to grateful for in this life. Jobs, grandchildren, the opportunity to go to college, being able to go to the movies and dinner with someone you love . . .all great things that I can tell you are so grateful for. A positive attitude will take us a long way in this life . . . great reminder, thank you!



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