Friday, September 29, 2017

It's Friday... right?

I feel as if it has been both the longest week and the shortest week all at the same time.  I can't explain why it feels that way.  It's not as if anything especially drastic, or terrible, or exciting has happened.  It's just been one of those weeks.

I went and had my flu shot yesterday.  So... yay, me!  Today I'm feeling a little tired and headachy.  And  my arm is sore.  You know, typical post-flu-shot type stuff.

I'm going to take a moment and complain just a little.  I am pretty much sick and tired of this heat.  It's almost October.  I'm ready for some sweater weather already!  However the temperatures this week have been in the 80s.  Thanks global warming.  : /

Fortunately, that is all supposed to change.  Tomorrow is only supposed to be in the low 70s and gorgeous.  With overnight lows in the 40s and  highs in the 60s on Sunday.  Yippee!!

I hope each of you has a wonderful weekend. See you in October!!


  1. This summer has taught me something about myself... I'm not a fan of the heat! 😊 I'm looking forward to the cool down, too. It's about time. I'm needing to pull out sweaters and boots! Hope you have a great weekend!


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