October and November are my two favorite months of the year. Maybe because fall is my favorite season and these are its peak months. Maybe because during these two months the Man of the House and I both have birthdays and we celebrate out anniversary. Maybe because of Halloween and Thanksgiving. Or because it's the calm before the holiday whirlwind begins. It's probably a combination of ALL those things!
Reading: My reading slowed down a little in September. I finished Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris, which I didn't start out liking very much - but ended up enjoying much more than expected. Since then I have been reading The Secret History of the Mongol Queens: How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire by Jack Weatherford. Despite being a little dry and slow going in some parts, it has been quite interesting to see the important role of women in the leadership of the Mongol empire (a historical period I admittedly don't know much about). Unfortunately, the book had to be returned and had another hold waiting which prevented me from renewing it, so I am having to wait to complete it. Until then I am reading The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena. I had plans to read The Boleyn King by Laura Anderson last month, but my hold didn't become available until today. So, that's next up on the October TBR list.
I am also still working my way through She's Still There by Chrystal Evans Hurst with the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study. Oh my goodness gracious. Just... So, SO good!!
Eating: *sigh*... Here we go again. Honestly, I haven't been eating a ton of bad stuff. But I haven't exactly been healthy either. The Man of the House and I are planning to work on that this month. So, hopefully I'll have something that's not completely embarrassing to report at the beginning of November.
Working On: You think I'm going to say "washcloths", dont' you? I don't blame you. That has been the answer for months and months. But I am happy to say that NO, I am not currently working on washcloths. I finally completed my big wholesale order and have moved on. Right now the popular item seems to be tiger hats.
Enjoying: Some pleasant fall temperatures. Finally!! I was so over all those 80+ degree days. I'm ready for some boot and sweater weather. I'm such a fall girl. Seriously.
Anticipating: Celebrating the Man of the House's birthday this weekend. And hopefully some more autumn hikes. I'd like to take the grand kid to an apple orchard for some fall fun also.
Feeling: hmmm... that's quite a good question. I haven't really given it much real thought recently. Which I suppose is a good thing. If I cant' complain, I must be doing pretty well. So, there ya go!
The week has just begun and October is already looking like a wonderful month for me! How is your October currently looking?
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