Monday, October 2, 2017

When You Need A Breath of Fresh Air

The Man of the House and I are trying... trying... to get back on track with healthier habits.   He's always much better about it than I am.  Honestly, if it weren't for his encouragement I would quite possibly be a giant couch potato who existed on Cheetos and ice cream.

Part of those healthier habits is moving more.  An area where I seriously lack motivation and discipline.  So, last week when he asked if I wanted to go for a hike on Saturday, I knew I should say yes.   The weather was supposed to be cooler and sunny and I could use a little fresh air and sunshine -  so, I jumped at the chance.  Plus...  who wouldn't want to be alone in the woods with this handsome guy?

We headed north on the Blue Ridge Parkway to Craven Gap Trail.  The website where I was looking at local hiking trails listed this as an "Easy" hike.  Um... I disagree.  I personally believe it should be rated as closer to moderate.  But, no one asked me.


There isn't much fall color change going on around here yet. But there were some pretty late summer wildflowers around.

There's a little cave alongside the trail.  Did I explore closer?  No, I did not!  Who knows what might be living in there?  (probably nothing being so close to the trail)

We found a nice rock-face where we sat to eat our picnic lunch.  And found a patch of prickly pear cactus.  Who knew that was growing wild in the mountains of western North Carolina?  Not me!

And we had a nice view while we enjoyed our food.  Bonus!!

On the way home we stopped off at the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitors Center because neither one of us has ever been there.  We also made another stop at Highland Brewing Company where we relaxed with a cold beverage for a bit.

A nice way to spend a sunny Autumn Saturday afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beckey!

    Wow, gorgeous photos!! It's always n8ce to take a break and get into the great outdoors. I always stay away from caves. After all there could be snakes, or even worse...spiders! Kudos to you for getting healthy, we all need to take a page from your book!!



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