Wednesday, April 25, 2018

My Feathered Friends

I love the little bird feeder that hangs outside my kitchen window.  Some mornings I could stand at the sink and watch the chickadees, sparrows and titmouses (titmice?) for hours.  I also have a pair of cardinals that regularly visit.

This year the feeder seems more popular than ever.  There's a very pretty House Finch that has come calling.  And a beautiful bright Goldfinch is now a stopping by on most days.

Tuesday morning I glanced out the window to spot this handsome fellow

A search in the Merlin Bird ID app from Cornell revealed him to be a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak.  A bird listed as "uncommon".  What a wonderful surprise to have him at my little feeder!

As if that wasn't enough - when I went out to bring the dog in I heard a loud bird call from the trees across the street.  I looked over just in time to see a pileated woodpecker swoop from one tree to another and then off into the woods.

It was quite a treat to see two such beautiful birds in one day!


  1. That is awesome! We have a bird feeder at our kitchen window and my boys and I love seeing all the birds. Today alone we had some chickadees, a cardinal, a red wined black bird and a few sparrows.

    1. Isn't it fun to see all the different varieties that come to visit? I get so excited when someone new shows up! Happy watching!


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