Thursday, September 20, 2018

A Spirit of Gratitude: September 20

Father God, you have been so incredibly generous to me, especially in the past couple of weeks.  I am awestruck by all the blessings you have heaped into my life.  I know I don't deserve them; but I am thankful for them nonetheless.  Amen.

I Am Thankful For:

Sunrise at the beach
When the hotel as a decent breakfast - and it's free
Sleeping in the car
Ordering takeout
Getting yarn on sale when I thought it was full price
5 birds sitting on the porch - apparently waiting for the feeder to be filled
Being prepared 
My first pumpkin spice latte of the season
Sunshine before the storm
Coffee and a donut
Autumn decorations
Phone conversations with the grand kid
Football Sunday
White chicken chili
We were spared the worst of the storm

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