Happy Labor Day everyone! Welcome to September! September... you know what that means? The rest of the year is going to fly by. If we so much as blink it's going to be Christmas and we'll all be talking about how quickly this year went. It also means the official beginning of the great "how bad will this winter be" debate, complete with analysis of acorns, squirrel tails and wooly worms. Or maybe that's just the part of the country where I live.
In any case, it is September. So let's talk about what we're up to right now.
Reading: I finished Life After Life by Kate Atkinson just as August ended. It was an interesting read even if you don't believe in reincarnation. Now I'm on to Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleve. I was on the wait list for-ev-er for this book, so I really hope it's worth the wait.
Enjoying: Some cooler days and nights. We're still experiencing the hot, humid days of summer. However, we are thankfully getting very brief periods of respite from the heat in the form of some upper 70 degrees days and nights where temperatures fall into the 60s - and even a few upper 50s. Perfect sleeping weather.
Working On: I had several bags of Bob's Red Mill oats which were close to their "Best By" date. Not wanting to toss it all out meant it was time to make energy bites! I've made several batches so far, including: oatmeal chocolate chip, Mexican coffee (which, in my humble opinion, could have used a little less cinnamon and a little more coffee), and oatmeal raisin.
Anticipating: The Man of the House has to go to Charleston for work this month. When he asked if I wanted to tag along - I couldn't say no! Because... Charleston! It's one of my favorite places.
I'm also looking forward to the start of the NFL regular season this week. And of course, the beginning of Autumn this month.
Wanting: The temperatures to cool off enough that I can start wearing sweaters and boots again!
Needing: More ideas for Christmas/holiday items to make for my Etsy shop. I've been working on some hats, but I want to start working on some decorations to add to the listings this month.
Feeling: Energized. There's something about this time of year that always refreshes me.
That's me in a nutshell right now. What are you up to for September?

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