Tuesday, September 25, 2018

But I'm Not Beyonce

About a year or so ago, this little phrase seemed to be popping up all over my social media feeds... 
I've also seen the same statement using Einstein as the example, along with others.

And essentially - this is truth.  We all have the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks and 12 months a year for as long as we are here on earth. 

But... here's the thing: 

I could be waaaaay off, but I feel that I can say with a certain degree of certainty that Beyoncé and I have very different to-do lists in front of us on any given day.  

For example:  She probably did not sweep up dog hair for the billionth day in a row. Or spend probably amounts to far too much time attempting to create a weekly menu of nutritious meals which are also delicious.  And create a grocery list of the needed items for that menu.  She most likely work for a half hour creating a new listing for her Etsy shop, only to have the entire page go blank and lose all her work, forcing her to start over.  (Nope, I am pretty sure that last one is just me)  

While I, as a general rule, do not have an afternoon scheduled in the recording studio.  Or sitting for hours while someone does my hair and makeup for a photo shoot.  Or choreography for my next video.  I also don't have to juggle all this with raising a 6 year old and one year old twins. (Thank goodness!)

All this isn't to say that what I do is any more or less valuable than anything Beyoncé does, or doesn't do.  Just that we are different people who live different types of lives. 

And that's OK.  I don't have to compare myself with Beyoncé, or Einstein, or any one else.  I only have to be the best me I am capable of being.  To work with what I have and live the best life for me.  Not someone else's life.   To do the best I can with the time I am given.

God made each and every one of us unique.  We all have our own personal set of talents.  Our own life dreams and obligations.  And that is so much more than ok.  It is the very thing that makes this world interesting.


  1. I could totally be Beyonce! You don't know.


    I have to agree with you here. Beyonce didn't have to do my laundry this morning. But...also, I don't have to jump up and down 28,000 times today while singing. I bet some days she wishes she just had laundry to do.


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