Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October Busyness

Last week was just one of those weeks when I felt as if I was running as fast as I could without getting anywhere.  Whenever I am doing one thing that needs doing, I feel as if I am neglecting about 3 other things that I could/should be taking care of.   Feeling pulled in a few different directions like that hasn't exactly been encouraging me to sit down at the computer and write some blog posts. But - here I am!

The beginning of last week found us celebrating the Man of the House's birthday.  Sunday afternoon, the Female Offspring brought her crew over and we enjoyed a some football, pizza and a ginormous double-decker cookie cake.  (What can I say? The man loves all three of those things)  For his actual birthday on Monday, I made him a nice spaghetti dinner, and we actually sat down at the table with the Male Offspring for a meal.

Mid week had him off to Maryland for work.  Usually I take his business trips in stride; but for some reason this one stressed me out.  I actually cried a little after I dropped him off at the airport.  Which I never do.  (I'm blaming it on hormones)  That was when I decided I needed a trip to Target for some Starbucks and a little retail therapy.

He was scheduled to head home late Thursday afternoon.  Unfortunately, that was also the time when Hurricane (by then Tropical Storm) Michael, decided to arrive in the Washington, DC area.  This led to his plane sitting on the tarmac for about 2 hours before returning to the terminal.  I was a little anxious that he was going to be stuck in Reagan National Airport overnight, or that he would finally make it out only to arrive in Atlanta to late to catch the last flight from there to home.  However, he did finally get to Atlanta, making it just in time for the last flight of the evening.  And all's well that ends well.

Once the storm blew through, the weather finally began to feel like Autumn.  Which - in my humble opinion -  has been a very welcome change!  I can finally start pulling out some of my long sleeve shirts, and thinking about sweaters and boots again  And maybe the leaves will finally start showing some color.    It is odd to look outside in the middle of October and see so much green.

I have also been especially busy with my Etsy shop.  September, and October have been unusually busy months.  It seems as if I barely get an order or two completed, before another one or two are placed.  I can't complain.  I'm very happy to see the shop doing so well!

These tiger hats have been especially popular this month!

How is your October going so far?  Are you as busy as I feel?

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