Thursday, March 7, 2019

Joyful Gratitude: March 7

I Am Thankful For:
Egg salad
Messy buns
Another beautiful day
First cup of coffee in the morning
The cat purring so loudly that I can hear him across the room
A moment of silence
A piece of my grandmother's needlework
Talking around the dinner table
Birds singing outside the window
Making my sales goal for February
Blackberry sparkling water
Heavy gray clouds hanging low in the sky
"In like a lion..."
Getting my hair cut
Sleeping late
Washing my car


  1. Oh, egg salad! That has been sounding so good lately. I really need to make some. A moment of silence, sometimes when the refrigerator stops running I automatically smile at the complete silence in the house. There's nothing like it! Have a great weekend!

    1. The "egg salad sounds good" thing just be going around ! I have been craving it a lot lately. I hope you have a wonderful week!

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