Wednesday, November 13, 2019

31 Days of Joy

Y'all know that I select one word as my focus each year, rather than making resolutions. My word for this year is Joy.

I try to do Bible studies and read books that help me to learn more about and grow in the word that I have chosen for the year.  As I read my Bible each day, I make note of verses that include my one word (or some version of it or a related word).

For a while, I have thought that I would like to take those verses I collected and create a Bible study or reading plan.  After putting it off for far too long - it is now a reality!  My first ever original Bible Reading Plan.

These are all verses focusing on Joy.  Ones which spoke to my heart throughout this year.  My prayer is that they help you find joy also.

Want a printable version?  Find it HERE:  31 Days Of Joy

I recommend reading each verse a couple of times.  Then take a few minutes to journal your thoughts and feelings.  Make notes about what stands out to you from the verse and how it applies to your life and/or circumstances.

Please let me know if you try the reading plan.  I would love your thoughts and feedback!

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