Monday, November 4, 2019

Another New Year

Happy Monday y'all!  I had a lovely birthday weekend.

Typically I start the week off by sharing my goals for the next 7 days.  But, this week, instead of weekly goals - I want to talk about the coming year of my life.

You may recall my Before 50 post of a year ago and which I recapped just last week.  A list to keep me focused on things I want to work on - or things I have been working on and want to finally accomplish.  I enjoyed having a list of plans, goals and wishes to work toward achieving throughout the year so much, that I decided to make it a regular thing.

You'll see a few are items that didn't get marked off last year's list.  Many are new.  Some are simple.  A couple of them will tug me right out of that ol' comfort zone.  (Which is a good thing.) 

So, without further ado - let's take a look a the 15 Before 51 List!

  1. Reach my goal weight.
  2. Get into an exercise routine.  .
  3. Attend a crochet group
  4. Learn how to make Key Lime pie (one of my favorite desserts) from scratch
  5.  Read these 5 classic novels
    •  The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
    • Watership Down
    • The Secret Garden
    • The Count of Monte Cristo
    • The Picture of Dorian Gray
  6. Attend a play
  7. Take a class
  8. Road trip!
  9. Eat meatless meals one day per week
  10. Start a sketchbook
  11. Go on a spontaneous weekend away with the Man of the House
  12. Get a family photo with the kids and grand kid
  13. Go to a movie by myself
  14. Donate blood at least 3 times this year
  15. Crochet something for charity

And there you have it.  I'll be posting updates periodically over the next year.  Are you ready to follow along on my journey?  

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