Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Before 50

Last week I officially celebrated my very last 40-something birthday.  Which means that in slightly under one year, I will turn the big 5-0!  It's hard to believe that I am facing down a whole half century of life.

Birthdays always make me reflect on the past and dream about the future.  This one even more than usual. I've never created a "bucket list".  In all honesty - for some reason the term "bucket list" makes my skin crawl a little bit.  I don't know why.  Just does.  Maybe it seems a little morbid.  I'm not slamming anyone with a bucket list.  If you have one - more power to ya!  I just don't. 

I want to make the very most of this last year of my 40's, and face 50 with joy and excitement for whatever the next half of my life may hold.  Which led me to make a list of 15 things I would like to do, see, or accomplish over the next year before I turn 50Some of those "someday I should" things, a few things that scare me a little and a couple of "well, why not" things.

  1. Finally lose that extra weight that I have been carrying.  
  2. Visit at least 1 new destination
  3. Read at least 5 books I've never read before from this list 
  4. Be vegetarian for a month
  5. Take one of the specialty tours at Biltmore
  6. Join a crochet/knitting group
  7. Learn to meditate
  8. See a play ( or two. I adore live theatre and don't know why I don't go more often)
  9. Get my office organized once and for all
  10. Take a yoga class
  11. Get a really good haircut by a curly hair specialist
  12. Go to a movie by myself
  13. Go to bed super early and get up super early for one week.  Or a  month.
  14. Send postcards whenever I go out of town or visit somewhere new
  15. Overcome my fear of heights


  1. Well, let's see....I'm 14 years, 2.5 months older than you and I could list the same "bucket list", plus so much more. I'm afraid of heights, too...and narrow bridges and my husband's driving....LOL I know you had a great birthday....turning 50 isn't so bad...or 60...I'm actually looking forward to 65 so I can get better insurance. Mercy, who wants to grow old(er) except for me. HOPE you have a great day!

  2. I love your list! I'll have to make a list for my to do before my next bday! If you ever need vegetarian recipes, holla at me. I have been a vegetarian since I was 16...I am around your age give it take a year or two.
    Very cool post!

  3. That's a great list! Although #13 scares me a little. I know people in their 70's and 80's that live that way and I'm starting to do that too! (I'm almost 10 years older than you) and it seems I go to bed earlier every year! I just can't stay awake! Does that mean I'm getting old?!


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