Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Spirit of Gratitude: November 15

It's been a tough week around here.

We found out over the weekend that our sweet Oscar dog has stage 4 lymphoma.  It doesn't look good.  Even if we get him to a vet oncologist and spend the thousands of dollars for chemo - it typically only extends the life expectancy by a year or so.  We are heart broken and are looking at our options while dealing with the fact that we are probably going to lose our friend sooner rather than later.

This is one of those times when it can be difficult to find the good.  But it's also these times when it can truly help to seek out the positive things in your life.  To remind yourself that even when things are sad, there is still a lot to be thankful for.

I Am Thankful For:
The first peppermint mocha of the season
Pretty new sweaters
It stopped raining long enough for a grocery store run
Lunch with my mom
Finally completing a big project
My Dad's hip surgery went well
Early to bed
Another free coffee
Cold sunny days
The little sounds my cat makes as he watches birds through the window

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