Wednesday, October 30, 2019


It's almost the big day!  I have had an amazing year as my 40s rolled to a close. And I'm looking forward to seeing what the next decade brings my way.  But before I got into all of that - let's take a look back at my "Before 50" list from last November!

1.  Finally lose that extra weight that I have been carrying
Thanks to Weight Watchers, almost 30 pounds are gone and I am well on my way to reaching my goal weight!  

2.  Visit at least 1 new destination.
For our vacation this year, we went to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina.  While there, we took a day trip down to Savannah, Georgia.  Both were places I have never visited before. 

3.  Read at least 5 books I've never read before from this list
Four out of five is pretty good.  

  •   Anna Karenina
  •   Fahrenheit 451
  •   Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
  •   Great Expectations

4.  Be vegetarian for a month
We did this for two weeks, rather than a month.  I think the Man of the House and I could have gone the full month, and may still give that a go later this year.  But after going along for two weeks, the Male Offspring was ready for some meat-based protein.  

5.  Take one of the specialty tours at Biltmore

6.  Join a crochet/knitting group

 7.  Learn to meditate
I used "The Basics" on Headspace to help me get started. After that I switched to an app called Insight Timer for another series on meditation basics and now use it as a timer for most of my meditation sessions. I like that the timer includes options for nice ambient sounds and bells. Occasionally, I use a Christian meditation app, Reflect, for some Scripture focused meditation.   I practice meditating several days a week and I am really enjoying the quiet time to give my mind and spirit a chance to clear out and refresh.  

8.  See a play (or two. I adore live theatre and don't know why I don't go more often)

9.  Get my office organized once and for all
Yeh, I did!!  It's so nice to have that space feeling like my place to work and not just a spot to store my suppliesl

10.  Take a yoga class

11.  Get a really good haircut by a curly hair specialist

12.  Go to a movie by myself

13.  Go to bed super early and get up super early for one week.  Or a  month.
I tried to do this one week, but life got in the way and I never seemed to make it to bed until at least 10pm each night. I have made an effort to go to bed and get up earlier - just not "super early"

14.  Send postcards whenever I go out of town or visit somewhere new
I made a half hearted attempt at this.  I bought postcards when we went on vacations.  I even sent one to the grand kid.  But that's as far as I got with that.

15.  Overcome my fear of heights
I can't say that I have "overcome" my fear of heights, but I have taken steps to push past it.  Like walking the Sky Bridge in Gatlinburg, TN.  Yes, my legs were shaking the entire time and I didn't do much looking around (especially down); but I made it all the way across and back.  And we were waaaaay up on the upper deck at the Panther's game and I did very well with that. 

photo taken by me from the center of the Gatlinburg Sky Bridge

I enjoyed making a list of things I would like to accomplish, experience or try each year.  So much so that I would like to make it a regular habit.  Stay tuned... I will be posting a new wish list for the next year very soon!

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