Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Currently... October 2019

Right now, it feels more like July.  But the calendar says October.  So, I'm going to go with that and trust that the temperatures will start too cool down very soon and feel a little more seasonal.  I think autumn has been cancelled and we're all just going to wake up one morning to discover that we've gone straight from summer to winter.  I know that some of you have already experienced this and are now digging out of several feet of snow!

Reading:  Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.  I'm finding it tedious.  I want to like it.  Really I do.  There are bright spots where I start to believe the story is starting to pick up.  Then it starts to get slow and monotonous again.  I don't care for Pip or most of the people he comes in contact with.  Miss Havisham is the only character that holds any interest for me at this point, and we see disappointingly little of her.

Celebrating:  It's a HUGE month for celebrating around here.  First we have the Man of the House's birthday.  Then, after over a year of planning and anticipation - the Female Offspring's wedding happens this month!!

Working On:  Etsy shop orders and wedding preparations

Enjoying:  All the trappings of Autumn. Pumpkin spice coffee, fall decorations, comfort food in the crockpot and the scent of fall candles.

Wanting:  To find some good books about time management, especially those working at home.  Any suggestions?

Needing:  Some new clothes.  Thanks to my continuing weight loss, my pants are all now too big and starting to get to the point where just tightening my belt isn't going to do the trick anymore.  I don't want to go buy a whole new wardrobe while I'm still in the process of losing weight. My solution may be to purchase a few swing dresses that I can wear with tights or leggings and top with a sweater if needed to get me through the cooler months.

Making:  Some changes to my daily schedule and my current system for blogging as well as scheduling my promotions for my Etsy shop on social media

Feeling:  Tired.  I have been trying to go to bed by 9:30 PM and start my day by 6 in the morning.  I'm getting up as planned; however, even though I go to bed early - I am not able to fall asleep until 10:30 or 11:00.  This leaves me feeling pretty tired in the later afternoon and always makes me think that this is the night I'll fall asleep easily.  Which doesn't happen.

Anticipating:  Several things...  The top of the list is probably when my youngest sister comes to visit for the Female Offspring's wedding.  I haven't seen her for over a year and miss her so much!  The leaves have started to change and I can hardly wait until the full colorful display appears.  Oh, and I have a pretty big milestone birthday coming up on the first of next month. 

That's where the beginning of October finds me.  What are you up to this month?

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