Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Boys on Bikes

When the male offspring was young, he used to free range to some extent.  While there were rules, boundaries and expectations, he would pretty much play all over the neighborhood.

He enjoyed exploring and playing pretend.  And we gave him a certain amount of freedom to do just that.  He would ride his bike up and down the street, coming home with the typical bumps, scrapes and bruises.  As well as one flip over the handle bars that led to the emergency room to have a gash on his chin glued shut.  I didn't think much of it at the time.  I remembered doing the same thing as a child. 

It's funny how our perspectives can change over time.

There's a little boy a few houses down from us.  I see him from time to time, riding his little four wheeler up and down the street.

And... It. freaks. me. out!

He seems so little.  And what if a car turns down the road and doesn't see him?  Is he wearing a helmet and pads? (He is, btw)  He's all by himself!

Oh... what the hypocrite I am!  When did my attitude change so drastically?  And, why??

Is there something that you have found yourself looking at in a completely different way ?

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