Wednesday, January 8, 2020

My One Word: Intentional

A new year.  Days spread out before us like blank pages.  How will we fill them as they unfold?  What will our life look like once the next  twelve months haves passed us by?

We can't know what the future holds.  But we hope it's something good.  In order to try to fulfill that sense of promise which comes with fresh beginnings, some people choose to set goals or intentions.  They make new year's resolutions.

I personally select one word each year to provide focus and guidance for the year ahead.  It's not a new idea.  A quick search of  "one word" or "my one word" will show you a list of websites promoting the idea as well as plenty of other bloggers talking about their own word for the year.

In order for the concept of one word to work, you have to commit to it.  You have to soak yourself in it over the course of the year.  You have to make it part of your daily life and be intentional about it. 

And that last sentence brings us to what seems a good place to introduce my One Word for the year:

(I know... "intentional" is a sort of buzz word right now.  Right up there with "self-care" and "mindfulness".  But you know what?  That's OK.)

So, what does "intentional" mean?

adjective: intentional
  1. done on purpose; deliberate.

In a nutshell, it's about making plans with the purpose of attaining specific end goal.  

I often find myself drifting through the days, following a routine and doing certain activities - not because they're actually fulfilling a purpose or accomplishing much of anything, but just because that's what I've gotten used to doing them or just to fill time.  But I no longer want to just drift through.  I want to do things on purpose.  With intention.

I want to be more intentional about:

How I spend my time.  Not mindlessly spending time watching tv or wasting away hours doing things that I don't care about or that don't enhance my life or the life of people around me in some way. 

Pursuing my relationship with God.  Seeking His will and His purpose for my life.  Spending more time in prayer listening for His voice and guidance.  And learning to be silent and still to hear His voice.

My relationships with others  Focusing on my loved ones and making sure they know that I love and appreciate them.

My health  Continuing my weight loss journey and taking time to care for myself.  I only have one body and I have to take care of it if I expect it to carry me well into the future.

My words.  Thinking before I speak.  Writing more.   

My work.  Not letting my Etsy shop glide along on cruise control, but taking new and deliberate steps to improve it. 

As I live this year of "Intentional", I want to make the hours I have each day really count.  When I create my To-Do list, I want to view it as opportunities to serve others and to worship God.  

Do you have a word for the year, or do you make resolutions?  Share yours in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I don't make resolutions but I love your word for the year. Intentional. Your paragraph about how you spend your time sounds a lot like me. My job has been all-consuming the last year or so and just the other day I was thinking about my greeting cards. I love landscape photography and have taken photos all over the U.S. Then I print them and make them into cards. I miss it and I want to try to get back into it this year. I think it will also help with my job, getting my mind off work while I do something I love.


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