Monday, March 2, 2020

Currently... March 2020

March is an unpredictable month.  Sometimes it can be warm and spring-like. Other times it can be cold and wintery.  In 1993, we had a blizzard in the middle of March that most people who experienced it will never forget!  Hopefully, that won't happen again. Probably not.  But whatever March brings, I feel ready for it!

Reading:  The Ones Who Save Us by Jenna Blum.  In the next couple of weeks, I will also be reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes by Anna McPartlin.  I was finally able to check out 168 Hours (which I finished yesterday) and The Fringe Hours (which I'll hopefully be completing this week) after having to return them for other holds.  It's nice to be able to get those done and behind me.

Working On:  Planning ahead and scheduling social media posts and promos for my Etsy shop.  I am tired of scrambling to figure out what I want to post most days, and this is helping me get ahead of the game.  The social media planning calendar my sister gave me for Christmas is a big help with this!

Loving: Going on more walks with Max.  Now that he's a little bigger and has received his vaccines, we're getting out for more walks when the weather is nice -  including walking at the park.  It's good for both of us to get a little exercise and fresh air!

Celebrating:  March brings birthdays for my mother and our son in law.   I'm also celebrating that my amazing niece was accepted into the grad program she wanted!

Wanting/Needing:  Some inspiration for healthy, WW friendly meals.  I've gotten a little bored with the same old sameness and that makes it more challenging to stick with the program.

Dreaming About:  Future road trips with the Man of the House.  We spent a weekend in Memphis earlier this month and decided that we want to start taking more long weekend trips together.

March Goals:
  1. Lose 5 pounds
  2. Take a long walk with Max at least 2 days per week 
  3. Drink 75 ounces of water per day
  4. Schedule April social media posts for Etsy Shop
  5. Follow up with local bath and body shop owner re: wholesale partnership
  6. Create samples to provide per #5
  7. Schedule April Thankful posts
  8. Create April Sunday posts

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