Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Mistakes Were Made

Mistakes.  We all make them.

Some are big.  Big enough to change a life - either yours or someone else's.  Some are small.  Barely a blip on the radar.

Some are small, but traumatic in a strictly personal kind of way.  Just... well, embarrassing.  For example - what happened to me last week.

It's the Easter season.  and Easter brings jelly beans.  I've never made any secret about the fact that I am more than a little bit obsessed with that particular candy.  You can read all about it HERE.  So, it probably comes as no surprise that, through no fault of my own - there were suddenly no less than three bags of jelly beans sitting on my kitchen counter!  OK, full disclosure - some of the fault is mine.  But I'm only taking responsibility for one of those bags.

That evening, while standing in the kitchen talking to the male offspring, I helped myself to a handful of jelly beans. Popping them, one by one, into my mouth.

This was about the time the pup decided he was ready to go outside.  I hustled him to the door and prepped to do potty duty.  We are still working on house training, so part of the routine is to take a few training treats along as rewards when he does his business outside.

While standing around waiting for Max to do his thing.  I popped another jellybean in my mouth.  immediately my mind registered the thought, "That jellybean has an odd shape".  Then, as I started to chew - the flavor struck.  That was NOT a jellybean!!!

Yes, you guessed it.  I was eating a dog treat. EW!!

As you might imagine - at that point, there was a great deal of gagging noises and spitting done by myself!  And I couldn't really get rid of the flavor until I went inside to drink a glass of water (swish and spit included) and brushed my teeth.

Lesson learned.  Do not mix Easter candy and dog training!

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