Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Positive Journaling

Do you keep a journal?  What style do you use: bullet, creative, art, prayer? 

My daily journaling is usually stream of consciousness.  A mental regurgitation of whatever is on my mind.  I might write about things that are currently causing me discomfort, stress, or anxiety.  Things that are bringing me joy.  Ideas, inspirations.  Or just random things that are rolling around in my head.  

As I learn more about neural connections in the brain and how they grow, become stronger, and even change depending on where we focus our thoughts regularly, I have started to wonder...

Can writing my complaints, annoyances, etc. have the same or a similiar effect?  

If so, would focusing on more positive journal entries for say - 30 days - have a positive effect?  Could it lead to more positive thinking?  And perhaps a more joyful outlook in general? 

It's worth a try!  AmIright??

Here are a few prompts to get you started:

  • One thing I really like about myself is...
  • My favorite way to spend the day is...
  • Name 5 things you did right today.  (no matter how small they seem)
  • Write about a time you were able to brighten someone else's spirits
  • Make a list of 10 (or 20, or 50) things that make you smile
  • Write a thank you letter to your body
  • Describe yourself using 10 positive words
  • Write about something that makes you feel energized
  • Write about your favorite vacation or day trip
  • Write about something you would like to learn more about
  • Write about a hobby or activity that brings you joy
  • What has made you smile in the last 24 hours?
  • What is your favorite holiday and what do you love about it?
  • Do you prefer a shower or bath?  Why?
  • Write about your favorite food.

Happy journaling!  


  1. These are great prompts for journaling. I started my first journal in the 5th grade, way back in the early 70's and I still journal to this day. Mine are like yours, just my thoughts about whatever is happening. In the 5th grade it was about which boy talked to me and what my friends and I did at recess. :) Of course now I take my journal with me on vacation or to the hospital, to record the life and times of our family. I also have a separate prayer journal. That has become my primary journal as I record the amazing blessings of the Lord as well as words He has spoken to me, ministries He has placed before me... I don't know where I would be without my journals!

    1. Truth be told - I have THREE different journals: personal, prayer and gratitude!


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