Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Currently... July 2020

After three months that seemed to last a couple of lifetimes - June just flew by!  Or was it just me?

I recently read that today is "Second Half of the Year Day".  Half of 2020 is behind us (and most of us would agree that it's good riddance).  This is a good day to look at your year so far, evaluate your goals for the year and think about where you're headed for the rest of the year.  

I'm certainly thinking about my one word for the year: Intentional.  When I decided on this word, I never imagined that it would be tested as a result of a global pandemic.  But, that's exactly what happened.  After being thrown for a complete loop by fear of the virus, everything shutting down, worries about the health and safety of my friends and family and the effects all this had on my Etsy shop - I kind of withdrew mentally and emotionally for a while.  I allowed all this to become an excuse for just drifting through a few months, rather than living up to my focus of being intentional.  

Fortunately, over the past month or so - I am finally shaking off that sense of ennui and getting back on track.  

I have been intentionally memorizing Scripture verses and spending time in daily prayer.  I have been working to get back into a regular habit of journaling and meditation.  I'm making monthly goals, then planning my weekly goals and daily to do lists in an effort to help meet those goals.  And I am creating content schedules for the blog and promos for my Etsy shop.  

All this has me looking forward to a great second half of 2020! Starting with July.  

Working On:  All that stuff I said up there about renewing my focus to be more intentional in my life.  Yeh... that. 

Celebrating:  Of course, there's the 4th of July - which will be very quiet this year.  No cookouts or firework displays for us.  I did give myself a lovely little red, white and blue themed pedicure in honor of the day.  So, I guess that's something...

My youngest niece celebrates her Sweet 16 on the 12th and then the Female Offspring turns 28 on the 18th.  I know what you're thinking.  I can't possibly be old enough to have a daughter that age.  You're right.  I think the same thing almost every day!  How can that be correct??

Reading:  Just finished The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers.  Very good!  Hard to believe she was only in her early 20s when she wrote this!  Next up is In Five Years by Rebecca Serle. 

I also just got a hold of another copy and can finally complete The Great Influenza by John M Barry.  This one is about the flu pandemic of 1918-1920, and what I have come to realize so far is that we have learned little to nothing from the lessons of 100 years ago.  

Loving:  Fresh summer fruit.  Watermelon, peaches, and berries.  I love all the sweet in-season deliciousness!  What's your favorite summer fruit? 

Wanting/Needing:  Some TLC for my nails.  My cuticles are all hang-naily  (brand new word - I just invented it).  My nails keeps breaking and splitting.  I've put myself on a hardcore nail care routine which will hopefully rectify the situation.  I'll be giving you details on that in a future post.

Dreaming About:  I'm still dreaming about travel and vacations.  And still not feeling safe enough to actually go anywhere.  

July Goals:
  1. Journal everyday
  2. Meditate at least 3 times per week
  3. Drink 6 - 8 cups of water per day
  4. Create a blogging schedule for August
  5. Create Sunday posts for August
  6. Create Thankful Thursday graphics for August
  7. Work on August social media schedule for Etsy Shop
  8. Write at least 3 new blog posts for shop 
  9. List new Christmas items in Etsy shop
  10. Update shop and blog "About" pages

What's up in July?  What are your goals for the month?  Do you have any fun summer plans? 

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