Friday, May 31, 2024

Until Next May...

May is wrapping up and preparing to disappear for another year.  We're heading into the summer months now. Hot days. Long evenings.  And the relentless humidity. (At least where I live)

The Man of the House and I started May with a trip to Folly Island, just outside of Charleston, SC. It was just for a long weekend.  But a couple of days just relaxing on the beach was exactly what I needed.  Sitting in the sand with a good book, listening to the waves is so soothing to my soul.

I was able to have a short visit with my aunt, Lisa, and her husband.  She stopped by my dad's house on her way back to Canada.  I wish it could have been a longer visit, but I am glad I got to see them while they we're here.

May's weather was a mixed bag. There were days when the weather was unseasonably warm, causing concern for what the summer holds in store. And days that were cool enough to make me wonder if I had somehow slipped back to March. And of course, there were some "Goldilocks" days. You know - the ones when it's just right. 

I finished both the cross-body bag and the vest I was crocheting this month. I'm so pleased with how both turned out.  I admit that sometimes I miss the little bit of income my Etsy shop brought in.  But it is so nice to be able to work on what I want, when I want, instead of always creating things for other people.

I was a bit over 50/50 on meeting my goals for the month.  Like I said, I completed the vest I was crocheting.  And I did get the pantry cleaned out and reorganized.  I meditated a few times this month, but not the three times a week I was aiming for. The plan to walk three times a week didn't happen either.  I would blame it on all the rain we had this month, but that doesn't excuse mot getting on my treadmill. It's still better than I did on my April goals, so I'm calling it a win and moving on. There's always next month.

How was your May?

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