Sunday, March 9, 2025
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Thankful Thursday: March 6, 2025
I Am Thankful For:
Volunteering hours scheduled
Things starting to get back to normal
Cozy mornings
Ruining errands
A day without needing muscle relaxers
A Spring-like day
February is over
Brownies and ice cream
My husband making breakfast for me
Family safe from local wild fires
My husband
A pain-free day
Clean doggos
A good check-up for Max
Daffodils blooming
Pancakes for dinner
Lunch with my husband
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Friday, February 28, 2025
February Flashbacks
I am so thankful that February is a short month. I am oh-so-ready to put this month behind me! I definitely don't want two or three more days of the energy that February brought.
The most popular post on the blog for Febrary was actually the first Sunday Inspiration post of the month, followed closely behind by "A Giant Pain in the Back" where we talked some tips for dealing with back pain that often comes along in midlife.
It was a quiet month in our house. Especially for me. Honestly, I spent most of February lying on the couch. Not by choice.
First, I caught a nasty head cold that knocked me off my routine for a few days. Just as that started to clear up, I somehow hurt my back. The back pain ranged from sore one day and annoying the next for almost two weeks and then suddenly went straight to excruciating.
A trip to the Dr led to a diagnosis of "probable herniated disc", a prescription for prednisone and muscle relaxers and two weeks of rest to allow it to heal. Fortunately things have greatly improved. As I draw toward the end of the second week of rest, it's still a little achy, but SO much better than before. I no longer spend the first few of hours of my day almost crying from the pain. A few days ago I experienced the first shower in a couple of weeks that I wasn't miserable and rushing to get it over with. Yesterday was the first day I haven't needed to take any of the muscle relaxers. Yay!
Because of all this, Valentine's Day was at home, quiet, and extremely low-key. We had homemade pizzas for dinner and the Mr picked up a delicious chocolate pie for dessert. He gave me a couple of books from my list and some chocolates. I gave him a game pin from the Ravens/Browns game we went to last month. (He collects them from each game we go to and somehow this one got lost in the process of traveling home from Baltimore, so i found a placement.)
We celebrated our youngest grandson's second birthday this month. I had almost forgotten how fun birthdays are at that age. He was having so much fun and was so excited about opening presents and his cake.
I am excited to say that earlier this month I turned into my application to volunteer at the local library and received a call this week that it has been approved. Starting next month, I'll be helping out one morning a week. This is like a dream come true for me. I have loved the library since I was a very little girl, and I can't wait to give back to a place that has given me so much joy
And since we're speaking of books - this month I read four books and listened to one. My audio book for this month was "The Pirate's Wife" by Daphne Palmer Geanacopoulos. The four books I read were "The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store " by James McBride, "The Boyfriend" by Freida McFadden, "Witchcraft for Wayward Girls" by Grady Hendrix, and "I Need You to Read This" by Jessa Maxwell.
How was your February? Any special memories from the month?
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Thankful Thursday: February 27, 2025
I Am Thankful For:
My grandson's 2nd birthday
Less pain
Ice cream
My husband coming home early and doing the grocery shopping
My volunteer application accepted at the library
Birthday celebrations
Birthday cake
Sunday afternoons
Feeling less foggy and dizzy
Breakfast for dinner
Listening to my husband read to me
Seeing a little improvement every day
A healthy lunch
Warmer days
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Thankful Thursday: February 20, 2025
I Am Thankful For:
Rainy days
Little puppy paws
Binge watching a favorite show
New books
Valentine candy
Chocolate dessert
My daughter stopping by with the grandkids
My husband taking care of me with my sore back
A lazy Sunday
Long weekends
Dr appointment
Muscle relaxers
My husband driving me around
Getting plenty of rest
Being in less pain
Heating pads
Homemade vegetable soup
Snow flurries
Monday, February 17, 2025
A Giant Pain in the Back
This post is meant to share what I have learned based on my own experience. It is in no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking help because of something you read on this website.
For almost two weeks now, I have been dealing with back pain. Over the past few days it has become much worse. In fact, I have a doctor appointment today so that I can hopefully get some answers and some relief.
Thanks to normal wear and tear on the spine over a lifetime, it is not unusual to experience back pain in midlife. There are things we can do to reduce our risk of developing back pain or injuries : regular exercise to strengthen back and core muscles, watching our posture, and maintaining a healthy weight to name a few. But what if you feel that sudden twinge or a dull ache in your back? Here's the advice I have found helpful the past couple of weeks:
- Gentle stretches
- Over the Counter Pain Medication
- Hot and Cold
- Change your shoes
- See Your Healthcare Provider
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Thankful Thursday: February 13, 2025
I Am Thankful For:
Ice packs
My husband taking over dinner prep
A long hot shower
My son helping with the dogs
A day of doing mostly nothing
Getting out of the house for a little while
When the pain medication kicks in
My husband making lunch for me
Finally falling asleep
When the grand sons come over for dinner
SuperBowl Sunday
A good book club meeting
Valentine gifts
Opening a new book
Cough suppressants
Back feeling a little better
Having the cutest little dogs in town
The full moon
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Thankful Thursday: February 6, 2025
I Am Thankful For:
My grandson is feeling better
Morning sun on my face
Accomplishing goals
My husband is home from work trip
Dropped off my volunteer application
Ice cream
Open windows on a January day
Playing with the dogs
The sound of falling rain
Homemade shortbread
Reading a book together
A decent night's sleep
Homemade Bolognese sauce
A short nap
Yogurt and berries
My grandson's new braces
Hot tea with honey
Warm February days
My husband bringing me cold medicine and cough drop
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Friday, January 31, 2025
January Wrap-Up
Honestly, has this been the longest January that ever januaried - or am I the only one feeling that way?
This month, the most popular post on the blog was "Aging Gracefully... or not" where I explored what the idea of aging gracefully means to us as women. I also shared ideas for combatting the winter blues, making a simple London Fog for sipping on the cold January days, and dealing with sleep problems in midlife.
On the first weekend of January the Man of the House and I went to Baltimore, Maryland. We did some sightseeing, ate some delicious seafood, and on Saturday evening we went to the Ravens game. The game was FREEZING! The whole weekend was honestly. But the game was a night game and very windy, which made it feel that much colder. We had originally planned to leave Monday evening, but there was a winter storm forecasted to move through on Monday morning, so we switched our flight and came home Sunday evening to beat the snow.
Like much of the country, we had some brutally cold temperatures this month. And we did see a little snow. But it has been a crazy winter. When the southern snow storm hit, it went way south and east of us. While they had several inches of snow along the coast - we didn't see any of it here in mountains!
We celebrated our oldest grandson's 13th birthday this month. I know what you're thinking - I'm not old enough to have a teenage grandson. You're right! At least that's what I've been telling myself.
I finally decided to do something this month that I've been thinking about for a while. One morning I grabbed the scissors and cut some bang. I know, they say you should never cut your own bangs. But I have been doing it off and on for years. And I'm actually pleased with the results.
In January I read two books and listened to one audio book. I read "Somewhere Beyond the Sea" by T J Klune and "A Curious Beginning" by Deanna Raybourn. The audio book I listened to is "The Dressmaker" by Kate Alcott.
Some of my favorites and finds for January included:
- The Rydir band: it kept the tote bag I used on our Baltimore trip clean while traveling (airports and planes. IYKYK) And kept it attached to my carry-on luggage while on the move.
- A London Fog: Earl Grey tea, vanilla, steamed milk. A delicious treat on a chilly afternoon.
- The Quilted Koala Town Crossbody Bag: It's roomy enough for all the things, including a book, my Kindle, or a small crochet project for when I'm going to be doing some sitting and waiting somewhere. The detachable crossbosy strap keeps me hand-free when I'm running errands.
How was your January? Any special moments, favorite finds, or stand out memories?
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Thankful Thursday: January 30, 2025
I Am Thankful For:
Signs that there are still brave and decent people in the world
Time for myself
A quiet, early morning house
Brave women who speak what's on their heart
Slightly warmer days
Sunny mornings
A bowl of warm oatmeal
Shopping with my husband
Doggy kisses
Donating items
Sleeping late
Soft pretzels
When my husband makes me laugh
Historical podcasts
Kisses at the airport
Peace and quiet
Texts from my husband
Completing a task
Feeling organized
Monday, January 27, 2025
Sleepless In Midlife
This post is meant to share what I have learned about menopause based on my own experience. It is in no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking help because of something you read on this website.
Almost every night, at some time between 2 and 4 AM, I am probably awake. Not just a short trip to the toilet or grab a cup of water and back to sleep. Nope. I'm talking wide awake and going to be that way for a while.
Talking with other women, I have discovered that I am not the only one losing sleep in midlife. Far from it! In fact, according to the National Institute on Aging, up to 50% of women between the ages of 40 to 65 report having sleep issues, including insomnia and having trouble staying asleep. The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine says that number may be as high as 60%.
So... why are so many of us suddenly becoming unwilling night owls at this stage of life?
- The decrease of hormones obviously plays a huge part. The hot flashes and nightsweats that come along with hormonal changes in perimenopause and menopause are big sleep disruptions.
- Anxiety and depression are factors that contribute to insomnia and sleeplessness at any stage. Since depression and anxiety can increase in perimenopause, they are also more likely to cause sleep disruptions during this time.
- Research shows that the risk of sleep apnea increases during our menopausal years. Symptoms for women may also differ some from just the well known snoring and fatigue, including headaches and insomnia.
- Health conditions - both perimenopause/menopause related and those that are not - as well as medications used to treat them can disrupt sleep.
- Some sleep problems at this stage of life are life-style related, including blue light from electronics. Especially in the evenings just before bed time.
Sleep is so important for many aspects of a healthy life, especially during perimenopause and menopause. A good night's sleep can help balance hormones, reduce the risk of hypertension and heart disease, and strengthen our immune system. Sleeping well can improve our mood and ability to manage stress. And it may also contribute to diabetes control and reducing our risk of dementia.
That's all well and good. We want to sleep well and be as healthy as possible. But, easier said than done. Right?
There are some simplethings we can do to try and improve our sleep quality.
- Stick to a sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine.
- Create an environment that is sleep friendly. A comfortable mattress and pillow. A comfortable temperature. Eliminate as much light and noise as possible.
- Reduce or eliminate your intake of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Especially in the late afternoon and evening.
- Don't eat later in the evenings, especially heavy meals.
- Don't drink liquids just before bed.
- Avoid afternoon naps
- Exercise regularly. But, not to close to bedtime which can actually disrupt your sleep pattern!
- Don't watch TV, use your computer, or scroll on your cell phone in the bedroom.
- Try supplements such as magnesium or herbal supplements.
- Talk to your health care provider to rule out sleep disorders or do discuss other treatment options.
How's your quality of sleep? What have you tried to help get a good night's sleep?
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Thankful Thursday: January 23, 2025
I Am Thankful For:
Waking up to bright moonlight coming through the window
New bedding
Resisting the urgebto be snippy
A short break from the cold
A London Fog
A cardinal siting in the bushes
Finishing a project
Clean laundry
Feeling cute
Family gatherings
Celebrating our grandson's birthday
Signing up for a jewelry making class
Errands done early
Comfort foods
A self-imposed media blackout
Shelter from the cold
Creative outlets
Cozy winter days
Snow flurries
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Friday, January 17, 2025
Making A Simple London Fog
I have always been a coffee kind of girl. But as I've gotten older hot coffee agrees with me less and less. Last year, at the peak of my stomach problems, I abandoned my morning coffee in favor of a cup of hot tea.
Most days begin with a cup of Irish Breakfast Tea with milk and honey. But some days, I feel like doing something a little bit fancier. That's when I will prepare a London Fog for myself.
A London Fog (or tea latte) is typically Earl Grey tea, steamed milk, and vanilla syrup. I make mine a little different, but with the same delicious result.
I start by brewing a cup of Earl Grey tea. I usually use a decaf Earl Grey because sometimes caffeine can aggravate my reflux.
I sweeten the tea with some honey.
For the milk and the vanilla flavor, I add unsweetened vanilla almond milk.
If you're wanting to give it a little something extra (or a caffeine boost) - try making it a Dirty London Fog by adding a shot of espresso!
The London Fog latte is a tasty way to start my morning. Or a delicious treat on a chilly or rainy afternoon.
Have you tried a London Fog?
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Thankful Thursday: January 16, 2025
I Am Thankful For:
Sunny, but cold, days
A car with remote start
Curbside pick-up
Calm before the storm
Pre-snow tasks completed
Puppy cuddles
Falling snow
The dogs running around in the snow
My sister's family is safe
Snow days
NFL Wild Card Playoffs
Soft pretzels
Sunday brunch
Listening to melting snow drip off the roof
The full moon
Bright blue skies
Homemade Ruebens
My grown "children"
Making things simple
Monday, January 13, 2025
Combating the Winter Blues
This post is in no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking help because of something you read on this website.
The dark, cold days and long nights of winter can cause many of us to feel sad. For women in midlife, throw in the increased risk of depression and anxiety during perimenopause and menopause - and you've got a recipe for a serious case of gloom .
So how do we combat the "winter blues"?
🔵 Lighten Up
If possible, get outside - preferably for about 30 minutes a day. Even if it's overcast or you're bundled up against the cold, you'll get some natural light which can help give you an emotional boost. If you're unable to get outdoors - try sitting by a window. It's not as effective as being outside, but can still provide some mood lifting benefits. You can also use light fixtures with full-spectrum lighting to mimic sunlight in your home.
🔵 Get Physical
Regular physical exercise is a natural mood enhancer and can help combat the symptoms of seasonal depression.
🔵 Find Your People
I know... for a lot of us, the last thing we want to do when we're feeling 'blah' is drag ourselves out into the cold to go socialize. But it really is important. If there's one thing the pandemic taught us - it's that isolation is very bad for our mental health. Spending time with friends or loved ones, joining a class or club, or volunteering helps to reduce feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression.
🔵 Get Some Sleep
A regular sleep schedule helps expose you to light at regular intervals and allows for better, more restful sleep, which can ease symptoms of the winter blues. Some people benefit from the use of dawn simulating alarm clocks. These wake you up by gradually increasing the amount of light in your room.
🔵 Talk To Your Healthcare Provider
You may need help beyond changes to your routine or self care to relieve symptoms - especially if they are significantly impacting your daily life. Your doctor can help you decide if light therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, or medication may be needed to provide you with relief.
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and Winter Blues are not the same thing. Winter Blues may come and go throughout the winter and is less likely to disrupt your daily life. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a form of depression related to a change in the seasons (some people even get it in the warmer months rather than winter). It is more debilitating and more likely to require professional help to manage.
But whether it's the Winter Blues or SAD - there is no need to suffer alone in silence. Don't be afraid to talk to people about how you are feeling. Support is important. And you may find it comforting to learn that you're not the only one dealing with this.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Thankful Thursday: January 9, 2025
I Am Thankful For:
Intentions for the new year
Days filled with creativity
Starting a new planner
Waking up early
A new book
Packing for the first trip of 2025
Early morning flights
Early check-in
Football games in the cold
Exploring Baltimore
Seafood dinner by the harbor
Late evening flights home
Snow flurries
A hot cup of tea
Trying a new soup recipe
Greek yogurt and berries
Volunteer opportunities
Monday, January 6, 2025
Aging Gracefully - or Not
If you follow the midlife crowd - in particularly midlife women - on Instagram like I do, you see a lot of talk about "aging gracefully". You'll see both positive and negative opinions about this term. I have some strong feelings about it myself.
But recently it has had me doing a lot of thinking about what exactly "aging gracefully" means. Who gets to decide what "aging gracefully" is??
I decided to go to the experts - women in midlife. I put the call out to women on Instagram and Threads asking what "aging gracefully" means to them. Here's what I found out...
Aging gracefully means something a little different to each of us. For one woman that might mean coloring her hair. While for another it means embracing her silvers strands. One might decide to go makeup free, while her friend enjoys using it. A woman might settle in to a cozy quiet lifestyle, or head out to travel and adventure.
Some women don't care for the term "aging gracefully" and even actively push back against it.
"Absolutely no idea and no plans to find out." - the_wonky_one
For some women, "aging gracefully" means embracing this stage of life and all the changes it brings.
"Aging gracefully is simply being comfortable in your own skin. Even if that means extra weight, some grey hair, some extra lines. It means taking all those things and rocking them with confidence 😊 Wear the short skirt or the leather pants, or the sweats 😹 Make peace with the laugh lines that were earned by expressing your joy. Eat the croissant, chase it with a glass of champagne 🥂 and celebrate the wins. You’ve arrived 🩷" - Mercy DeSimone
"For me … it means not trying too hard to be something I’m not, not chasing *someone else’s* idea of beauty and accepting - no EMBRACING - who I am right now and living my best life. And yes - that includes “being healthy” - but as a reflection of actual health status, not some bullshit, patriarchy dog whistle for looking like a teenager." - dulcieanne88
One common theme that came up over and over again was loving yourself, doing what brings you joy and makes you feel the most like yourself.
"Giving grace to myself (and the women around me) to do what feels right- as it relates to the skin I’m in and what I put out (create)." - therealchiclife
"To me, aging gracefully is aging on your own terms. Doing what makes you happy and ignoring ridiculous societal constraints… you want to dye your hair? Do it. Want to go grey? Do it. Want to wear a mini skirt at 54 (my legs have aged well 😉…) do it! Want to start a new career or just read romances on the beach? Do it. Aging gracefully is doing what makes you feel good and makes your heart happy!" - tbh519
"Basically being true to myself " - chairman_pink_
And maybe that's what "aging gracefully" truly means - living this stage of life on your own terms. Whether that means coloring your hair, or letting your silvers sparkle. Wearing the makeup that makes you happy, or embracing your natural beauty. Wearing comfy casual clothes, or dressing to the nines.
As for me - i think that "aging gracefully" means doing the things that bring you joy, being true to yourself, and honoring what makes you - You!
Leave a comment and tell me what "aging gracefully" means to you!
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Thankful Thursday: January 2, 2024
I Am Thankful For:
Tired little grandsons
Thoughtful gifts
A Christmas cocktail
Pajamas all day
My husband making sausage rolls
A quiet Christmas
Christmas leftovers
Making plans for the new year
Cozy, rainy days
Homemade soups with crusty bread
All the Christmas decor is put away
Making a to-do list
At home movie night
A Sunday afternoon nap
My new Kindle
Setting goals and intentions
The new moon
Feeling cute
When the headache starts to subside
A new year
Quiet evenings at home
Donut holes