Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Not Enough Hours

Let's face it - there just aren't enough hours in the day.  I personally could use at least 28 hours; but I also feel pretty sure even that wouldn't be enough.  There is just not enough time for all the things I need to do, and the things I want to do. 

Right now is a prime example. I need to straighten up the room I am sitting in right now and make the guest bed up for an overnight visit from my mother.  Instead I am sitting here blogging about how I should be doing that rather than actually doing it.  Need vs Want.  I need to clean. I want to write.

I need to clean the bathrooms.  I want to read.

I need to do laundry.  I want to paint my toenails.

I need to vacuum.  I want to google new recipes and crochet patterns.

I need to crochet.  OK.. that doesn't really fit because I kind of want to do that also.

It really doesn't seem fair that I should have to chose.  If I just had a few more hours in the day, I think I could get everything completed that I need to do and still have time for the want to's.  I could have clean dishes and an afternoon nap.  Imagine it.  Just...  imagine... 

But until the time when The Powers That Be decide to extend the day by several hours; giving all of us a little more time - all I can do is get as much finished on the To Do list as possible and hope I have a little time for the Want To Do list left over at the end of the day.


  1. I've been saying for weeks that I need just four more hours tacked onto the mornings, between when my coffee is ready and when the kids wake up. That's not asking for too much, in my opinion. <3

    1. That would be the perfect time to add on a few hours. Between coffee and the time the distractions start!

  2. If you figure out how to extend the day by a few hours, would you please tell me? No, wait that's true, I don't want to know how to have more hours, I'll just give myself more stuff to do!

    1. I feel the same way Megan! I'd just fill up the extra time also and still not have enough.

  3. 32.6 hours, THAT should do it. Hehehe...Oy, I need to be doing so much and I cannot find the motivation. I hear ya. As for the crocheting, you NEED to do that Ms. Queen get on wit'yo'bad self...everything else can wait!! :-)

    1. Hmm.. I think I hear permission to sit on my behind and craft! Thanx! :)

  4. Great post. I agree Beckey...the lines between Want To and Need To can get a little smudged but make sure a few Want Tos get added to that main list.

    1. You'll go crazy if you don't make time for the Want To sometimes.


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