Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Cut

It's that time of year again.  Yes... the Christmas season.  But that's not what I am referring to right now. 

This season rolls around once or twice a year.  I hear the scissors calling me.  It's that time of year when I start getting the urge to cut my hair.

Of course, then the big question starts.  What sort of haircut should I get?  How short?  Do I change completely or just trim up what I've got going on here already? I start dreaming of how I would look with a long bob. Or with a bunch of layers. Or if I keep it long and start using hot rollers. Or... well, you get the picture.

It's gotten soooo long!  It's almost to the middle of my back.  Which makes for easy braiding and ponytails when I want it out of the way.  But it seems I'm always pulling it out of the way. 

Leaving it curly seems to result in frizz.  But straightening it takes forever. 

So, what's a curl... er, a girl.... to do?


  1. You should find one of those websites where you can upload a picture and try out different styles that way.

    (Sorry I can't think of any names of the sites)

  2. Haha! The urge is hard to ignore once it creeps in!
    Found you through the hop and am your newest follower,

  3. I can sooooo relate!! I get the haircut bug at times too. I'm usually not cured until the scissors take action. Can't wait to hear what your decision will be. :)

  4. I keep basically the same style....but I change up the colour every coupld of months. and since I have a Christmas party tomorrow night, I do believe it is time for a colour change.

    visiting from Hilary's 4 Fill In.

  5. oh I'm such a mess, can't be bothered to fuss, although I should more often, I think?

    Thank you so very much for joining us for An Aloha Affair last week. How sweet it was to end the month together.

    Our beautiful December team has gathered and we are so excited to invite you to join us for... An Aloha Affair. Come mingle and grow with us, you are always welcome. Always.


  6. I, personally love your hair long, so maybe just keep the length but find a different style for it?! but then again mostly I'm just jealous, because yours grows so much faster than mine and I wish I could pull off the red! ;)

  7. I loooovvvveeee long hair Beckey! I pray you leave it like it is, but if you desire a change for Christmas it is okay but please get a good professional so they do not waste it...
    Have a super blessed day!

  8. Hey! Stopping by from "What Jean Likes" blog hop...glad I found your blog, now following you! :)

  9. I am right now at the point of contemplating whether to cut my hair shorter or allow it to grow out. It's nice to make a change with the new year isn't it?

    Thank you so much for participating in our Aloha Friday Blog Hop!! I am following you, of course!! Wishing you and yours a lovely week!!


    Jean {What Jean Likes}


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