Friday, November 1, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude & Thanksgiving Revisited

For a year now I have been keeping a gratitude journal.  Sometimes writing several things a day, sometimes nothing at all.  Sometimes for several days in a row it goes untouched. 

It's so easy to get wrapped up into the busyness of life and to overlook all the beautiful things. 

We often forget that even in the hard times, the sad times, the hurt-filled times - there is still good.  There is still something for which we can give thanks.  There is always something, no matter how small, which we can be grateful for.

We notice the big things.  The births.  The weddings.  The parties and celebrations.  The unexpected promotion,a gift, a vacation, a raise in salary, a visit form a loved one.  But what about that few seconds of solitude when our soul can rest, the sound of silence, the song on the radio which has us singing along, the moment something makes us smile briefly. 

Life is made up of all the small things that happen between the "Big Stuff".  Those are the things we should perhaps be most grateful for. 

Scripture says in Matthew 25:23, "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' "  Perhaps when we take the time to notice and are faithful to thanks for all the we consider "small", then we will be showered with even more blessings.  

Again this year for the month of November,  I am keeping a series of posts entitled "30 Days of Gratitude & Thanksgiving".  A sort of gratitude journal to remind me of all the blessings (big and small) in my life. 

1 comment:

  1. I was doing that as well. I did well until May and now I just look at it. You are so right, we need to celebrate and be grateful for the little things because that is all we have some days.


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