Friday, June 26, 2015

What To Read This Summer

If you know anything at all about me, it's probably that I am a reader.  My "to be read" list is... well, hopeless.  It never ever ever gets any smaller, no matter how much I read.  Because there are always so many more books to discover and read. 

If we're being honest - my idea of heaven may just be a huge library filled with all the books I never got around to reading in life and with a never ending supply of new books and a comfy chair.  And maybe a bottomless coffee cup sitting on the little table right next to that chair.

What's all this leading to, you make be asking yourself?  Well, when I realized that everyone and their sister seems to be creating a summer reading list, I thought "Sure... why not?"  (yep, that's me putting my awesome creative thinking skills to work.  You're welcome. Ha!)  It just made sense.

I am in the middle of a personal reading challenge for the year.  Reading in alphabetical order by author's last name.  Which you may notice as you take a look at my personal summer reading list. Although there are a few "out of order" books in there as well.  Just because, that book needs to be read.  Like, NOW.

So here you have it -  What I'll be reading this summer:

1)  A Dance With Dragons by George RR Martin
I just started this one last night.  The most recent book in the Game of Thrones: A Song of Fire and Ice series.  And when I say "most recent" this book came out in 2011.  We're still waiting for the next.  And waiting... and waiting...

2)  Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
“Lydia is dead. But they don’t know this yet.”  The first line is an attention grabber.  The reviews convinced me to make this my book to fill the N spot in my author alphabet. 

3) Once Upon A Summer by Janette Oke
 I needed a book for the O spot in my author alphabet.  This was a freebie that has been sitting in my Nook library for a while.  There ya have it.  

4) A Sentence of Marriage by Shayne Parkinson
Another free Nook Book.  Which I have been wanting to read because a) I'm a sucker for historical fiction and b) all the reviews on GoodReads either 5 star loved it or 1 star hated it.  I'm curious to see where I end up in my opinion of it.  

5) The Geometry of Sisters by Luanne Rice
"'What is one sister without the other? Is it even possible to imagine?' New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice explores the complex emotional equations of love and loyalty that hold together three pairs of remarkable sisters"
They had me at "sisters".  Seriously.  As the oldest of 3, I adore books that explore the complexities of the sister bond.

6) Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy by Karen Abbot
I have had this on hold at the digital library since the beginning of the year when I was back on "A".  I'm finally at #11, so hopefully I'll be reading it before the summer is out.  The true stories of 4 female spies during the Civil War.

And last, but certainly NOT least - 

Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my very favorite books of all time.  So, yes - I am almost giddy with the idea of a new book by the same author based on the same group of characters. Welcome back old friends - how I have missed you!  I just hope it lives up to the hype.

I'm also still on the look out for a good book to fill my "Q" author spot.  So, if you have any suggestion - PLEASE share them in the comments!

Happy Reading!

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1 comment:

  1. Beckey these are some great choices! Definitely would like to check out A Dance with Dragons, have a fab weekend!


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