Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Gorgonzola (Black and) Blue Chips

I had a great idea for a post.  I had it all planned out.  Here's what happened...

I was going to share one delicious snacky type food with y'all.  One the Man of the House and I discovered at one of our favorite restaurants a while back and quickly began making at home.  It's simple to make, and it is YUMMY.  Gorgonzola blue chips.

I started snapping pics with my phone as I prepared a pan full of salty, savory delight for the man and I to enjoy.

 First... you lay your blue corn chips out on your baking sheet.

Then you cover them with crumbled gorgonzola cheese and pop the pan into the oven under the broiler for a few minutes until the cheese gets melty and bubbly.

And this is where the entire project took a downhill turn.You see, I stepped out of the kitchen for a couple of minutes while they were under the broiler.  And things escalated quickly...

In just a few sort minutes they went from gorgonzola blue chips  - to Gorgonzola black and blue chips.  Yep... toasted them right up to a slightly burnt mess.

The bad news - that put the brakes on the entire "I'm gonna blog about this" idea. Sorry...

The good news - they were still pretty darn delicious.  (oh yeh, we ate the entire pan!)
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  1. Oh no! But is sounds easy and yummy, I think I'll still try it!

    1. It is!! The kicker is a few dashes of your favorite hot sauce to top it off. Mine is Cholula.

  2. You should have posted a pic! I am going to have to give these a try (without the blackened part lol).


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